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Ufora last won the day on June 17 2021

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  1. That's so weird! From my experience, they tell you if you're missing any documents? Ugh
  2. I second @Clarls advice, that's mostly what I would say as well, but I'm also here to calm you down if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed ? For example, I only found out about the scholarship 2 weeks before the deadline. Luckily, I had most of my documents already in place. Then, the only work I really had to do was figure out which programs I wanted to apply for and write a very convincing motivation letter. Here I didn't really have any help, just tried being as specific as possible with my goals and plans! I only had one recommendation letter since it was required by the DAAD. It was a special form that my professor had to fill out and send to Brussels; I don't think they would have accepted any other recommendation letters. My CV is also not that impressive; having been focussed on my studies I don't have a lot of long working experience, mostly a few volunteering gigs. It all just comes down to really explaining the skills each experience (however small) taught you and how they will help you in Germany. Anything is possible! You got this
  3. No problem! I'll gladly send what I sent to @Humbd to everyone who asks
  4. I sent you a private message! (not that I'm not willing to share it publicly, it's just hella long and detailed hahahaha)
  5. Hi everyone! I also got the news today that I've been awarded the (Master's) scholarship ? Thank you all for having been here along the way, it was really an honor and a pleasure! I remember finding this forum when there were already 30 pages or something and at first I didn't join, but then I just wanted to join in on the "fun" and the conversation and that was absolutely the right decision! I'm happy for those who also got the scholarship, and my thoughts are with those who got a rejection after this horrible waiting period.. I hope our roads cross nonetheless and that we can meet up someway in Germany somehow! So much respect for all of you ❤️ P.S.: I'll probably still be checking this forum ?
  6. Sending hugs your way ♥️
  7. Status changed to "selection made" for me !! HALLELUJA
  8. Wow!! It really seems like blank = funding.. Congrats!! ? I think now to make it official they just need to send you the award letter, but you can go ahead and party a bit!
  9. Exciting!! I've seen a lot of people's status gone blank and then to funding but wouldn't want to give you false hope or anything.. I hope the results come soon! They really should!
  10. @axe12 @Martacapp I think it's completely normal to be disappointed! In this type of situation you always kind of cling to the bit of hope you have left.. Thank you for keeping us updated and I hope you both can move on from this nerve-racking ordeal! Meanwhile, halfway through the week already and my status is still "paper copies received".. If I don't get a rejection or acceptance this week I... don't know what I'm gonna do?
  11. Man, that's a brutal messup... But at least now you have closure.. Sending hugs!
  12. Hmmm someone who either got or didn't get the scholarship should help us out here! I believe it just means that the DAAD have made the decision / selection ("selection made") and that they will announce the results soon. But on the other hand, they told me that the selection for Belgium had been made as well but my status is still "paper copies received", so why don't they put "selection made"? Very weird... Anyone have any help for @Ryanpinoy? ?
  13. She's the same woman who answered my e-mail yesterday! Poor thing, 99% of her job is probably answering our panicked / politely annoyed e-mails ? hahahahah
  14. Called the Brussels office yesterday for news about the results and they said they'd ask in Bonn. Today I got an email from someone in Bonn that basically said the same thing as the message in the portal from 5 weeks ago: Delays due to covid. The results "sind eingegangen" (were received) and are being processed right now. "Sie erhalten in Kürze Nachricht." = You'll be notified *soon*. Is that better or worse than "this week or the next"? ? I'm not quite sure They put Wolfgang Gairing in CC though! He's the head of the Western, Central and Southern Europe programs. So they got my e-mail and they for sure know we're an anxious bunch right now Let's keep up the pressure!
  15. Yes, it'd be really weird if some Italians got updates and others didn't... Let's stick by the age old motto "no news is good news"..? Good luck though!
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