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  1. Hello, My interview for my top choice program did not went well, do you guys think this would affect my application for the next year? I know they conduct interview for every grad program so I will have to do an interview the next year as well (probably with the same chair). Thanks
  2. Hello, I have submitted an online application on OUAC for a masters program but the problem is I have so many classes going on right now and the program sets GRE as an admissions requirement. It would be very hard for me to schedule a GRE exam before the deadline of February the 1st and even if I do I wouldn't get good results since I didn't have enough time to prepare for it. Another option would be to send the GRE after the deadline which would be worse because on top of getting bad results I would look disorganized. If I send them an email explaining the situation and my wish to defer my application or cancel it would it have a negative impact the next year? I really want to get into this program and I feel like I have gave them a bad perception of me by submitting this incomplete application.. Thanks
  3. I have asked a professor to be a reference for me but he said this, should i still write his name as a referee? he will only write a short essay and rate me 1-10 Dear x, I’m happy to act as a reference. However, any information I provide will be objective and factual, as in “present 90% of the time”, “participated actively in class” (ok, some subjectivity there), and “belonged to top half”. With your 7.7, you belonged to the top 48%. For some schools that would not be enough (they demand top 25 or sometimes even tpo 10%), so let me know if that would work. In any case, all the best with the applications. Best, x
  4. Hello guys, My first plan is to apply to counseling psychology but in the case of a refusal I would like to have a B plan and for now it seems like organizational psychology is a good fit as I can work in marketing or management upon graduation, I was wondering if there is anyone who tried out this path or an alternative one in Canada or not? I have been searching really hard to find suitable programs but the options are very limited so I thought applying to marketing directly after bachelors could be an option too but most programs require a business background. I would love to hear your experiences! Thanks
  5. what do you guys think about the non academic programs that crpo accepts such as OPC or gestalt institute? they are not unis but they do make your registered to work as a psychotherapist by crpo
  6. hello, to which program are you planning to apply for?
  7. Hello guys, As I have heard from multiple people getting admission to masters in counseling psychology and psychotherapy is hard, but is it for certain or is it a rumor? do universities in Canada publish their admission rates? And is there an alternative path that I can take to become a mental health counsellor if I can not get into masters? thanks
  8. yes but unfortunately there are only 2 master programs that offer Industrial organizational psychology in Canada
  9. do you mean practice as a therapist? if it is, yes I know that's the same situation in my country too
  10. The process works like that, if you successfully finish a 2 year long master's you can stay up to 3 years to work but in order to continue working in Canada you have to find a skilled full time job and work for minimum of 1 year and then you can apply to permanent residency (there are other conditions too but they are not necessary to mention here). If you have a 1 year long masters then you get a 1 year long post grad work permit which is very short I guess because I have heard from some people that finding a job might take up to 6 months. Since the counseling psychology masters are limited, which other master program would you recommend it to me? (that is leading to a similar career path) thank you
  11. Hello @PsyDuck90 I had a very hard time deciding between business and psychology, I always wanted to be a therapist but working as a consultant does not sound bad either. However, the biggest reason is the shortage of options as a career in psychology. To my knowledge getting admission to a counseling psychology master program is super competitive and hard even with a GPA of 3.80 and other fields of psychology are very research oriented. For example, if I study cognitive psychology in my master's I do not know what kind of jobs I could get with it because it is very research oriented. Also I have the impression that even if I get accepted to a masters in counseling, upon graduation finding a job might be very difficult since I am not a Canadian. So the main reason why I am thinking of changing my major is my anxiety about the future.
  12. Hello, Thank you for your response. I am not from Canada so unfortunately i can not choose a minor. I wrote Canada because I really want to do my masters in Canada. I would also like to ask whether being a non Canadian (also non native speaker but I speak fairly good) would have a big negative impact on a career path in Psychology? such as being a counsellor Thank you
  13. Hello, in order to receive admission to counseling psychology, should I have a bachelors in psychology? or would I get an admission with a business degree too? note: im on my first year of psychology but thinking about changing it to business
  14. Thanks for clarification
  15. wait what? is this a thing in Canada?
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