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Posts posted by gradwoes

  1. So some updates.

    1) Most likely no Javits FY2012.

    2) Liaison in my department says that there's enough money to fund current fellows for FY2011 and FY2012. After that, who knows.

    3) Emailed them about alternates for FY2011 (never heard back from them). Here's what they had to say: "Thanks for your email. At this time, the few alternates we can support have been contacted. We do not anticipate contacting any additional alternate candidiates."

    So, that's it, folks! Goodbye Javits!

  2. As for the private schools, Columbia has gotten weak recently, chaotic program.

    I have to respectfully disagree with this assessment. Columbia offers quite a few historians for South Asia including Profs. Dirks, Bakhle, and Rao. This fall the department will be hiring an historian who focuses on Islam in pre-modern and modern South Asia. Outside of the history department there's of course the plethora of professors in Anthro, Art History, and MESAAS (Middle East, South Asian, and African Studies). I'm not sure if it's gotten weaker, as they haven't lost any faculty or anything like that. Also, I don't think it's chaotic either: students study South Asia from a multitude of departments, but all the graduate students get to know each other/research/present papers through the South Asia Institute. I'm not trying to be a hack and say that Columbia is for every single potential South Asia history graduate student ever, but it certainly has its merits!

  3. Those budget proposals make me furious - but the adjectives I use nowadays to describe politics tend to be 'furious' or 'disappointed' anyway. I'm writing to my hometown congressman (he won by a margin of 700 votes, and I voted for him, so he better read that letter...) and sending a letter to the editor of the small newspaper back home. People need to know!

  4. I applied to Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Harvard, and Tufts. I was accepted by Columbia, waitlisted by Chicago, and rejected at Princeton and Harvard (I rescinded my application from Tufts). Declined my position on the waitlist at Chicago and I'm headed to Columbia in the fall!

  5. Wait listed by Chicago. Disappointed, since I've heard great things about the department and had an adviser who strongly encouraged me to apply. He even hand wrote my rec letter, saying it would show my value. Lol

    I was just waitlisted by Chicago as well. I've decided to decline a position on the waitlist and rescind my applications that are still up in the air. Good luck to everyone else!

  6. Hey gradwoes and Kungfuzi! Will I be seeing you in the fall? I am in European history, more specifically Eastern European. But I can't make it to History Day as tickets that close to the date, from this side of the pond, are stupidly expensive.

    I think I may be going to Columbia in the fall, but I'm still waiting to hear from a few schools. I'm still debating whether to fly out for the program though...

  7. Congrats on the Columbia acceptance! May I ask who sent out the email (POI, DGS, etc?)

    The DGS and the Graduate Administrator (I got two emails, both had the same info)

  8. Columbia? Through Emails?! OMFG... I thought this is my last hope... :(

    But, yup, Congratulations!

    Yeah, through email. This is seriously roller coaster level insanity - I was all but ready to go to bed for the night (I live in the UK) because I have a cold. Now, I can barely sit still!

  9. Kind of glad I didn't apply to Yale at this point (though I couldn't have - no program in my subfield). But, all this anxiety is turning me grey. That and the fact that I've reached a point in my trans-Atlantic relationship where we had "the talk" about how feasible it is to go on long distance. Shouldn't have quit smoking last month - but thank god for whisky and wine.

  10. Not to be snarky, but you do realize that Columbia gets over 500 applications that it needs to process and the staff was on a holiday break for the last 3 weeks? <_<

    Yes. No need to be snarky in a thread dedicated to asking about status checks.

  11. Our individual fates will be determined to a degree by what we produce in terms of research, publications, etc., but, for our collective fate, the numbers show that the majority of us will never find tenure-track jobs and many of us will end up stuck in the adjunct rut. If you're not prepared for that possibility, then you're not prepared for grad school. The best among us will probably find good employment, but, according to the numbers, many of us won't find full-time or tenure-track employment at all. I'm not trying to pessimistic... just realistic.

    It does none of us any good to deny the realities of the current job market, i.e., least amount of jobs in 25 years, most new PHDs in 9 years, lowest number of expected retirements in "recent times." And, it will be hardest for those who go to less-respected programs and/or go into the most crowded fields of U.S. and European history. The idealism inherent in a person embarking on a process like applying and going to grad school leads each of us to think, "That won't happen to me." But the numbers suggest otherwise. It will happen to many if not the majority of us. This is why those curmudgeons over at the CHE fora are constantly telling people not to take out loans for a Humanities PhD under any circumstances.

    It's too easy to bury our heads in the sand at this point in our academic careers, but if you do that you are setting yourself up for the possibility of being unable to cope with the harsh realities that await us years down the line when we've all traveled 100s or 1000s of miles to desperately trawl around the AHA General Meeting cattle calls unsuccessfully for the 3rd or 4th time returning home to launch a frenzied attempt to cobble together 5 adjunct assignments teaching survey courses to apathetic, underprepared students just so we don't lose the room we're renting or apartment we're sharing with 3 other formerly-idealistic PhDs.

    Okay, now I'm being pessimistic... ;) That article really put me in a negative mood. Sorry, guys and gals...

    Alcohol. That's what gets me through this sort of reality slap in the face.

  12. Degree: PhD, South Asian History (History depts)

    Schools Applied To: Columbia, Princeton, Chicago, Tufts, Harvard

    Fellowships Applied For: Soros, Javits, FLAS (maybe)

    Undergraduate School (or school type) Major: History, South Asian Studies

    Experience in Asia or in Field: Archival research in India (National Archives, NMML, and a university collection), founded an international undergraduate journal for South Asia, currently getting my Master's in the UK (means easier access to UK archives, hooray!), language training in a handful of languages.

  13. I got my response via normal mail, though I'm not sure when it actually arrived (currently living overseas, they mailed it to my permanent address in the states). I think less than a week ago...haha, I must have been really far below the cut if I'm one of the earlier ones to get rejected!

    Anyways, like you guys said, info is scarce. These are the two best sources I found--a Med School specific forum (lots of med school winners in general), and a single blog entry:



    Hope this helps. As the sites say, practice practice practice if you get an interview. Good luck!

    Sorry to add on the questions, but did you list your permanent address as your mailing address? Just trying to figure out if I should have a friend of mine check my mail for me (overseas as well) - I know, I'm crazy. Thank you for your help!

  14. Haven't yet heard back, but I'm going crazy waiting for any news (I blame the winter holidays and no work for my craziness). Will let you know when I hear anything!

    Edit: imda, was your letter via email or snail mail? I've been away from my place for a few weeks, so I haven't been able to check my mail....

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