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Everything posted by Vyndian

  1. Grats to the two who got and took the UNC Strat offers!
  2. Congrats! Take Harvard and run with it!
  3. Revise and resubmit— basically an editor at one of the journals finds some promise in a manuscript but wants changes. You can do multiples of this dance, too.
  4. You’d think that, but not quite. Because how do you know something will be impactful before its circulation? Yet, at the elite schools especially, they’ll look at someone with an R+R and say “yep, thats the impactful one.” Edit: It’s the ambiguity of stuff like this that makes me question whether I really *want* a Ph.D. or not.
  5. I was making light of how difficult it is to crack this egg. I respect that you’re trying— more eyes makes for less work for everyone! I never figured out what “impact” actually is, despite being told that it’s important.
  6. If you’re going down that rabbit hole, also enjoy the concept of “impact” versus “quantity” of pubs. ?
  7. I just want to push back on this a little bit— I’ve definitely seen more comprehensive lists than non-comprehensive ones. They can be named differently. Like if you look at a place like ASU, they have them listed as “phd alumni” rather than “placements.”
  8. Are you asking me if I’m talking in the abstract about going through the process? No, I did it for myself as I narrowed the choices down. My doc isn’t anywhere online. If you’re asking me “where’s the placement sheet?” it’s here. And you’re right. Some schools won’t do a list of fully comprehensive placements. They’ll list “representative” or “top” placements. Those are the ones that should make you think “Hmm, what are they hiding?” Regarding your percentage, almost all of the R1’s get you a placement *somewhere.*
  9. Right. I’m saying that document’s summation of individuals cannot be taken as a gestalt— there’s too much variation between the candidates to draw much of anything other than the broadest of generalizations. It is opaque and it also varies by sub field. For example, some of the best marketing schools in the country are Duke, U Florida and UT Austin. Which is why, for the latter, you’ll see a Stanford placement on their webpage. Mich regularly places at “elite”/“name-brand” institutions. U NC can, especially considering Duke next-door. The best advice I can give you is make a list of 50-70 schools. On their webpages, they’ll list their placements. It’ll be fairly easy to start seeing patterns when you compare a U Maryland to an Auburn. From that calibration, it’ll become more clear.
  10. Fool’s errand outside of the broadest of generalizations. The name brands can place at themselves— UNC/UMich/UT Austin being the exceptions, for the most part. The state schools/major R1s tend to consider it a victory when they place at themselves, but usually you “step down” into the lower R1 ranks. Below that and it’s very hard to tell. edit: I want to clarify as to why I’m calling it a fool’s errand— much of a successful placement comes from the candidate themselves. School reputation helps. But rockstars are gonna rockstar.
  11. It’s all subjective!
  12. Ivy is too geographically specific, R1 is too broad. So, private schools that are recognizable by name. Duke, for example. Or MIT.
  13. Well, that’s why it’s a hard decision. If you wind up at Chapel Hill— the line is so blurred that all the major state R1s will be open to you if you’ve got work in the pipeline. Same with a place like U GA. Their placements are the lower state R1s. But, not a bad life?
  14. I appreciate your well thought out perspective. It’s a choice I might have to make Monday and could give me name-brand if I’m willing to make that sacrifice because research was the only thing my profile lacked.
  15. I hope so. Hypothetical for you: would you do a predoc if Yale/Columbia offered it? edit: as compared to just starting at brown asap
  16. Lol, not you too! Maybe I worded the posts incorrectly. No offer yet, but I don’t see any hindrances and they’ve continued to share all the details required for one.
  17. Didn’t apply to BC or BU. Probably should’ve for the latter. Sorry, I don’t know much about BC. It does have a few good placements, though! Yeah, U NC’s location and partnership with Duke is why they’ll probably win my signature, even if their stipend/package is a bit lower than the others I mentioned. For U NC I apped to Strategy. The others I mentioned were all management. It has to do with some programs believing Strategy is sociology/social psych-based (what I wanted) and others believing it’s economics-based (what I’m avoiding).
  18. You’re still Ivy with Brown! Unrelated, I pulled my U Washington app. I didn’t see a world where I pick them over Penn State/Georgia/Chapel Hill/Arizona.
  19. I’d be stunned if it were real considering that U NC said to me that it’ll be a couple weeks before they have an inter-department meeting.
  20. Well, my dreams of name-branded education are dead. Full strike out, but I will have my choice of the U of X/major R1 system. Silver linings, right?
  21. No, another group.
  22. Their decisions should be very, very soon.
  23. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on at Chapel Hill Strategy right now or Duke Management /Orgs?
  24. @Mr. JamesonGRATS ON BROWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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