Serious opinion; i'm applying for a few of these places
HKS is not that special imo. 13 years of journalism and being rejected is pretty stunning to hear however. I think SAIS, GT, GW, SIPA, GPS - all good, and HKS is up there with them. Totally short-sighted to just go straight for the big H name brand. If you are doing this, it's just a typically non-holistic view of school. Is there something about HKS that is really compelling to you that you have been waitlisted one time (credible applicant, you pass the test) that you don't want any other school?
Go talk to some people in DC who have these degrees who hire other people with degrees and ask them what they think.
Look. On the ground, if I were walking around in Washington DC with a degree from SAIS, I think it is totally viable to see myself as slightly better than the HKS kid. Is that correct? No. I'm just saying if I felt that way, I think you have an argument for it. Frankly it's probably all neck and neck though. I'm just trying to illustrate that if you're just pursuing the HKS name without any reason like, oh there's ONE professor you just have to have, or you know that their curriculum after having browsed it is exactly what you need and you've SEEN that no one else has what they have, then maybe look into other programs that suit your actual needs, not ego.
Again, none of this is relevant if it's not just ego pursuit which drives billions to throw their apps at harvard.
But you are also applying for a fellow position though, I don't know what that entails! Maybe the fellow position is just much harder.