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Everything posted by Joseph_Eze

  1. BTF knows his stuff. Solid advice. Top man.
  2. there'll be one soon! stay tuned!
  3. Yeah, got offers in early March. Have you emailed Mikhaila?
  4. Anyone else heard from SFU MPP yet?
  5. Hey man, totally understand. I hated the GRE too, but the reality is, you need it in order for the schools to better gauge your ability. Whether they ask for it or not, it helps to take the GRE because it expands your options. With a thesis based MSc or even an MA, you get funded for the course as an international and you get to move forward. So it really boils down to how badly you want it - and if you do, then I'd suggest you to spend the next few months prepping again. Check out GREGMAT on YouTube. I just view his channel and I did well for my GRE. I would say that the GRE helped me get my place in UofT and Queen's as an international for sure.
  6. The reason I ask where you are from is because most of the Unis you applied to have specific graduate requirements for each respective region. Maybe you were rejected because you did not fulfil those requirements? I really have nothing else to say to comfort you. I know it sucks, and it probably sets you back a couple of thousands for the application fee + time, but the current situation with Covid and a hyper competitive pool of applicants coming in from the backlog just makes it a mountain to climb. Have you looked at other programs? Your background seems to be more fitting towards economics/finance/business. Perhaps an MA or even a thesis-based MSc might be a better fit. Just my 2 cents.
  7. If you don't mind me asking, which country are you from? Yeah, well, there are a lot of applications and they have to respond to each one. People get stressed out too, I would forgive and forget - nothing else to do since they've closed their doors to you. I'll strongly consider doing GRE because they need a gauge to see how you do. If you don't have one or even if they don't ask for one, it's good to have it because they can benchmark you to something they are familiar with. Perhaps you should beef up your apps once more before applying again this year Fall.
  8. I didn't apply for UCalgary MPP - I applied to UofT, Queen's, SFU, and X University. I got admit for UofT and Queen's, but rejected UofT after second thoughts. I was rejected by X University. Pending SFU now. Your profile seems good - guess it's just a matter of competition? Have you emailed UCalgary?
  9. Queen's MPA actually goes like this: 8 months of schooling, followed by 4 months of co-op. Within that 4 months, students need to return to complete their summer term - 2 units. Which will take about a week each - it's accelerated for summer. This is based off their website. Hope I didn't misinterpret it!
  10. Nope - usually MPA students form a FB group and some of them just live together thereafter. The only FB group for Queen's housing is the one which is shared between all students.
  11. congrats man! Praying for mine now...
  12. Anyone heard from SFU yet? Emailed the program admin and she mentioned that the offers are still being sent out until the end of April. :\
  13. Congrats!! I hope you enjoy the program!
  14. You can't work for the Federal Government legally. The Feds only hire Canadians, and that's a strict rule. Carleton is in Ottawa, and it's mainly a feeder to Federal Government jobs. You can definitely try, and you might end up in the Provincial side or Municipal side. Depends on what you want. Ryerson MPPA allows you access to Toronto, and by extension, quite a reach to OPS based nearby. Though the program is relatively new as I've heard, and the connections might not be as strong. Your mileage may vary here. Between both options, I'd say you're kinda stuck in the middle hoping for the best afterwards. But if my money's on the table, I'd pick Carleton any day. It's just a matter of putting more effort and standing out, networking, and building on Carleton's policy/political reputation.
  15. All the best! I like their final presentation style of grading. The networking event seems pretty good.
  16. Nothing yet. I applied for SFU too.
  17. Sorry mate, it's just me! Haha.
  18. I found a thread by TheZarosian here: Based on what you said, Carleton is a better option.
  19. Anyone forming the Queen's MPA Facebook group for Fall 2022? Would love to make friends!
  20. That's pretty good! All the best!
  21. Yeah me too! Thought I was the only one.
  22. I've been to a lot of open virtual houses, and every time someone asks about previous school grades, the common reply is for them to see a pattern or trend. Whether you were always a stellar student or if you weren't so good but improved, those are profiles they like. If you were bad in school and bad in undergrad, then that's where the story ends. But if you improved, and your profile looks decent, you'll be fine. Munk is pretty competitive though. Why not Queen's?
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