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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. yep, was referring to Stanford That's the kind of place where if you get it, you scream from the rooftops but if you don't, well, it really isn't too bad a reflection on you. I wish I hadn't told anyone I was applying anywhere at all...
  2. yep, pretty much sucks to be me. Can't get my mind on anything else today.
  3. I hate to be harsh, but you are likely dealing w/a lot of science types who maybe resented the resources and treatments athletes got at college (and in high school). I might see the GPA w/that 'eh' GRE and think it was very likely you were given breaks in school. Sure, you may not have, and this may not be fair, but I don't know that I'd emphasize it by having one of your LOR from a coach.
  4. I'm not yet sure what my top choice is, but the 'best' school I applied to is such a stretch it would be great if I got in, but I wouldn't fake it.
  5. Thanks for posting! If they are doing calls first, then probably today and tomorrow is it... I'm going to expect the worst and hope for the best, but I'm not holding out too much hope. Sounds like you had a good connection w/one of the professors there, which is always a good thing. Congrats on the interview!
  6. So...someone heard from Duke for Developmental Psych (are you reading this?). I applied for that program too... Do the schools usually make all their interview calls at the same time? Same day? Should I take it as a bad sign if I don't hear anything today?
  7. maybe they were understaffed for an increase in applications?
  8. I think it is totally understandable, when you put it like that. Plus, many of us are planning on moving, some with our families, all the way across the country and there is a lot that needs to be put in order before the move. I know my husband wants to know where he should start looking for a new job...
  9. Many of mine are still reporting they don't have my transcript. I've followed up with a few and they say it just hasn't been added to my file yet, but some of them have gone ahead and submitted the app to the department anyway (I posted about this on my deadlines thread). Hopefully it is fine.
  10. lol. Isn't it funny how we do these things? I wish that I had stats on applications/acceptances from my programs, not because they would make me feel better, but just because they would allow me to entertain my obsession unfortunately, they aren't readily available.
  11. oh yes, the transcript cost is a killer! with one of my schools, the system wasn't working one day for me to order my transcripts, and by the time I could get it to work, the price had gone from $5 each to $10 each. My other undergrad school was $10 each from the start. My law school saved me as they were free if sent to me or only $3 if sent directly to a school. All in all though, between app fees, transcripts and GRE score reports, this IS an expensive process!
  12. yep, though some asked for two copies to the grad school, others did just ask for one.
  13. I trust them to do their jobs, but when I see my app languishing w/the grad school and not sent on to the dept. because of transcipts that haven't been matched I wonder if the dept. really does wait for everyone... My main concern was that if the commts met in multiple meeting the ones in the first round might have an advantage. I think I'm hearing here that they do wait for the files to all be complete before looking at any - is that right?
  14. don't panic weeble, they might not make all the phone calls on the same day...
  15. Nine. It was going to be ten but at the last minute I had to eliminate one because of location (my husband wouldn't be able to find work as it was an isolated college town).
  16. I also think I probably should have applied to more. I'd be perfectly happy at any of my 9.
  17. I don't think hitting submit on the e-app weeks before the deadline makes a difference, but I think making sure your transcripts and test scores are in well in advance to ensure they are processed might... that's what is holding up my apps from moving on to the departments.
  18. my goodness! I honestly have absolutely no idea. I've applied to 9 programs and am expecting one school will flat out reject me and it is likely that at least two others will. So, optimistically: rejections: 1 waitlist: 2 acceptances: 7? (assuming I get one of the waitlist...)
  19. yes, the design of that site is not very intuitive. I've just been clicking on profiles from the lists (like applicants, whogotin, etc.).
  20. No calls, just emails. One an automated thingy from the graduate school and the other a personal email from the department's coordinator, who has been totally awesome w/me (they didn't have my official transcripts, so she let me email pdfs so as to not delay my app).
  21. that does, thank you! though you may be the super star that the committees would let in even late
  22. So, Monday did bring some news: heard from two schools that my application is now officially in front of the committee. Similar to what I think I read someone else here say, my heart is giving a little flutter knowing that the decision-makers are actually viewing my application now! Weird thought that people are possibly talking about me at this moment.
  23. my second baby took care of the gray hair - I had none until I got pregnant w/her and now have like eight
  24. I know that. I'm just worried that because I wasn't submitting weeks before the deadlines that I will be in a second pool of applicants looked at and therefore have a lower chance. I think (hope?) it's a reasonable question The only contact I've had with departments since I submitted applications is to let the professors I have exchanged emails with or spoke to on the phone know that my application was submitted. I thought that would be ok and would be useful in case they wanted to look out for it (wishful thinking?). Otherwise, two departments had contacted me to check on materials, which was encouraging.
  25. So, with my business and babies I wasn't early on my applications. I got things in a week or so before the deadlines or right before the deadlines. Now I'm learning that my files won't be sent to the Departments until everything is processed by the graduate schools, which takes weeks after they receive everything. Since people are already starting to hear things, and I know the early bird seems to catch the worm, I am worried that I'm not going to even be in the running. Has everyone who got in applied really early? Has anyone made it in just under the wire and still got an acceptance (and funding)? Should I contact the departments and let them know my application is coming?
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