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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. Basically all I can do while nursing or baby juggling is forum-browse and watch TV. Luckily dh gives me time to do applications, etc.
  2. I'm up all night linden (have a little baby who doesn't sleep).
  3. yeah, there was some (very little) logic to the intervals, but it's my poll, so nanny nanny boo boo (four years each for what I thought were the most common ages, and then widening ranges...)
  4. To help w/the boredom/waiting...thought we might enjoy some easy polls (wish I could add more in each post)... How old are you?
  5. hmmm...question: was there a difference in the timing of acceptances vs. rejections? Anecdotally, it seems that acceptances come earlier than rejections... If there were more entries for my program, I would be doing the same thing
  6. you rock. totally makes sense in my mind that Tuesday would be the best day of the week...
  7. oh! I am SO jealous they have that!
  8. peapod is a grocery delivery service. I used to use homeruns, but I don't believe they are in business any more. Peapod is affiliated with Stop and Shop.
  9. hmm...I wrote a reply here but it didn't post?? I will definitely have a car. The only debate is whether we will remain a two car family or go down to one. I was in an urban school w/great public transit for law school and didn't have a car. I just used peapod for groceries a lot
  10. hmm...the chronicles discussion was interesting. Is there anyone who applied to a social science program that got in somewhere where they had not contacted potential advisors prior to sending the application?
  11. Saturday nights are the worse - as I know you are all out having fun and I'm stuck at home w/the kiddos...nothing to distract from my ruminating. and linden, I think the inauguration might have an effect on other schools too...I think everyone may be absorbed.
  12. I'm interested in knowing how important it is to start a dialog w/a professor *before* you apply. For those of you that got in to a program (or got an interview), did you contact a professor before you applied? What level of contact did you have (short emails, phone call, longer emails, etc.)? What field are you applying to/did you apply to? Is there anyone who got in (especially in social sciences) without doing this? Thanks!
  13. weekends make the waiting worse for me. and this one being a long weekend is especially bad.
  14. Really? One of my ref writers was having a hard time jumping through all the computer hoops so asked that I submit her letter for her w/her login. Will this be an automatic black mark or will they at least call her to follow up?
  15. Just got another "file complete" email. At least that's another missing transcript I can stop worrying about.
  16. then why on earth would you apply there? I bet a lot of people in your subject would have liked the spot...
  17. I know one of my schools still hasn't matched up my transcripts w/my application and both were at their offices in December. I was notified that it wasn't holding up my application though and the committee would review it anyway. Hopefully that is the case w/yours. I would probably wait until next week before I called them again...
  18. We had really bad ice storms here and lost power and cable/internet for over four days. I used the opportunity to get a google phone, which is great for having email on hand always. I use it a lot during my many night wakings w/my baby. Just thought I'd be an enabler
  19. oh yes, their automated emails are so much fun. I got one that said they still needed my transcripts, but would be forwarding the application on to the department anyway. When I called to follow up on this (since the transcripts had arrived a month prior according to my delivery confirmation), the person in graduate admissions was very surprised the application had gone on. Didn't seem they were all really on the same page there, but I'm hoping the email was more accurate
  20. I guess if your application is more traditional, it is easier to define safety. My GRE scores are significantly above most programs to which I am applying and my GPA below pretty much everyone's average (around 3.4). It would be very nice to know that I was guaranteed acceptance at least somewhere. I'd like to hear from at least one school to get an idea where I stand and what this is going to be like...I bet a school could make a fortune in application fees if they guaranteed the earliest decision
  21. I don't have any safety schools nor can I imagine what school would be a safety for me. You hear all the time on here that people are rejected from their "safeties," so I don't think they really exist for Ph.D. programs the way they do for undergrad.
  22. yep, I applied to a school that must use the same system and has the same message. and damn those facebook emails!
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