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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. Never could get into Lost, but I've been thinking about checking them all out on netflix from the beginning. I'm also sorry I didn't start Fringe when it started as I think I would enjoy it. Yay about Heroes and I'm also looking forward to The Dollhouse. oh, and I heard about the Postal Service cutbacks too...just what we need!
  2. well, another day lost. Too bad there isn't anything good on TV tonight as I'm ready for a little escape.
  3. Who sent the last email between you and the Prospective Committee Member? If it was you, then I'd just let it be for a while and leave the ball in his court. If it was him, then I'd respond to that email as you had been doing. In general, I'd lay off, because once you get your official notice, maybe things will fall into place easier rather than having to push for them now?
  4. I just changed the email notification sound on my G1 to a rattlesnake tail. It seems fitting somehow.
  5. Really? So far most people didn't know what they were? Well, I guess that bodes well for those of us who did and put that we applied to them on our grad school applications (most of mine asked). Perhaps it will demonstrate a degree of motivation?
  6. They might be, but I think a lot of it has to do with their process and their other workload. Think how long it would take for three-five people to each read through hundreds of applications... I used to be an articles editor for a journal and I think it gave me some idea of a selection process of sorts...it would take us a while to all choose our favorites and then to debate them.
  7. good call! I'd welcome a trip to CA myself, especially on a snowy day like today, but the logistics of what to do with my family may have dissuaded me. I'm sure you will rock it!
  8. more time-wasting polls... next year they are going to have so much data on us, lol!
  9. I found that was the easy part w/mine. I had the most trouble w/the actual proposal since I am so far removed from the academic world.
  10. that's a nice offer! maybe next year...I was just on my own this year. Did you apply yourself?
  11. I applied for both, but being so far removed from academia, I doubt I will get either.
  12. I'm really surprised so many people have gone straight through! I'd be interested in a breakdown by field... do hard science-types go straight through more than social sciencers? I had a break between undergrad and my law degree and another break between the JD and returning now.
  13. Did you apply? Think you have a shot... Just so we have something else to obsess over about
  14. It seems that clinical and neuroscience give decisions faster at most schools than the other areas in psychology. I think it is way too early to bug them for decisions, but I'm glad to have the info you have, thanks! Is your interview in person? It would certainly make sense for them to interview for both programs this weekend if it is (money saving for them)... How did they notify you about the interview?
  15. t_ruth


    I did the same thing, but can't tell for sure if the "faculty meeting" I saw was the adcom meeting... What school were you looking at?
  16. My mail comes before 10am, so I'm just waiting for emails and calls.
  17. t_ruth


    I seem to remember reading some people say that they checked the status check website w/out an email notification and there was a new link to results... is this not the case?
  18. Sometime around 3pm I realize that no news is going to come today and feel a tiny sadness. What about you? Anyone here anything from a school late in the day? From what I've heard most news tends to come between 10 and 2...
  19. ooh, to fill the days I can recommend using netflix to watch back-to-back seasons of HBO or Showtime shows like Big Love or Dexter. Totally takes you away from it all!
  20. I need to get me an area code list! While I'm holding the fussy baby, I watch TV off the DVR w/the laptop nearby. I make myself wait until the commercials before refreshing everything and only give myself as long as the commercial lasts to read the boards. I work about 2 hours a day away from all other stimulus. The only other time I'm not near the laptop is when I'm changing diapers or feeding children...well, that and stories, 'airplane' rides, etc..
  21. Their Ed. Psych program is between the psych dept and the College of Ed., but applications go to the psych dept.
  22. I saw that, but I applied to the psych program there...
  23. tough call. Are you the kind of person who really shines in person? Then maybe it is worth the trip... btw, how was Georgia? I'm not going to visit until late March...
  24. t_ruth


    I see a few people on the results listing (from this year and last) say they found out their status via the website. Where would that be? I just get a "congratulations, we've received all your materials" message. Where do the results show? This is all academic for now, because I know they are interviewing and I didn't get one, but I want to know about rejection as soon as I can, lol.
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