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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. chatzy is back up now if people prefer that...
  2. t_ruth


    schedule here: http://www.nsfgrfp.org/for_educators/20 ... view_panel
  3. chatzy is down. timur posted an irc chat link in the meantime on that thread in the lobby: freenode #gradschool.
  4. were you able to get it to work?
  5. t_ruth


    Looks like my panel reviews 2/12-2/15. woo!
  6. What I did was download mIRC (I have a windows machine) - you can google that and download it free. Then I just installed that, signed in and found freenode in the little folders and typed in #gradschool in the box that pops up. Once you get mIRC it should be pretty easy to follow. It certainly isn't as convenient or feature-rich as chatzy though. Darn you chatzy, why do you go down!
  7. I went on, but it was dead... hopefully chatzy will get back online eventually.
  8. I'm sure you will have a choice to make! It is nice to know you are at least going somewhere, isn't it? (though you really shouldn't have doubted)
  9. Nope. I believe that posting was cognitive and I'd be developmental...I guess they will be deciding on whether they are going to do a second round of interviews this week? I've sadly given up on them
  10. good point guenevere, though of course the issue still affects female students disproportionately...and some places marital status is a protected class too.
  11. maybe you've replaced smoking w/refreshing your email? I'm sure it has been hard, but congrats! Pretty soon you'll get to the point where smoking and smokers disgust you, which I've heard from former smoker friends is the big turning point. ETA: my habit, nail-biting
  12. see, that's why we need a chat room here. chatzy is pretty unreliable, but that's what you get for free.
  13. czarrar, hear anything else about the psych program? how'd your interview go? Other than you, it seems their psych applicant pool's online presence is a black hole. No one on applycorner, noone on livejournal, wth?
  14. yay! Chuck and Heroes tonight!
  15. congrats to whoever posted the UGA acceptance! hopefully more ed programs will start notifying soon.
  16. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    I made a point to state that wasn't what this thread was about.
  17. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    nothing wrong w/it mira (depending on cost of living of course). I just thought it wasn't that realistic as an average salary (and they weren't mentioning 'starting' salary either) when grad students make 30K...
  18. oh! I clicked the wrong one too! I was just under 1K but I hadn't counted the cost of the GRE test (just the score reports). So count me among the 1000+ crowd
  19. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    those are very high frank. I wonder if they include some kind of coaching supplement or something like that...
  20. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    I guess the chronicle site has some data: http://chronicle.com/stats/salary/salary.htm ETA: I can't access the good stuff, like the lists by field, but could see the state/university averages. For example, the average assist. prof. in Georgia makes between 60 and 80K.
  21. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    where the heck did you go to high school?
  22. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    thanks! that's interesting. I should check salary.com I suppose, but was wishfully thinking there was a similar service just for academics
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