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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. Not necessarily true, but it sounds like yours is fine. Didn't mean to scare you w/my comment about undergrad. My school was the kind that probably no one else (or only a handful) here on gradcafe went to: a local public commuter college w/practically nil opportunity for research (not that I would have done any anyway, as I rushed out of there in two years w/my ed degree). I reiterate what the others on here have said: getting your head in the game this early is a great indicator for how you will do!
  2. Yep. It's a bummer they don't do it anymore. I seriously make more on my savings account than the interest rate on my loans. I guess we just answered why they don't do it anymore...
  3. I have loans from law school, but the rate at which I consolidated is ridiculously low! Add to that the rate reduction for timely payments and it is almost free money (especially compared to the high interest rates on most credit cards now, etc.). I'm in no hurry to pay it off.
  4. One thing I couldn't really chance that I think may have helped me w/the big private Unis was going to a better undergrad institution. The thing I could have changed was making more contact ahead of time with POIs. The thing you can do to definitely help you will be getting publications.
  5. I applied to two Developmental programs, one at Duke (already rejected) and one at Vanderbilt, which is a combined Psych and Ed Psych.
  6. ha! I just realized I might not get more emails than phone calls because they might not know how to pronounce my name. The one call I had was from a prof I had previously spoken with.
  7. so far, the big difference for me isn't amount but years guaranteed. Does anyone else have offers that only come with one or two years funding?
  8. Is there a new Ed Psych person on the results board? The one who posted the acceptance for U of Washington? Are you going to the admitted student's weekend?
  9. I chose the second option, but the one thing I wish I could change is starting the process of looking at programs a lot earlier. Because I have no current advisor (out of school), I had to do all my own legwork and obtain copies of articles, etc. to read. Just finding people studying what I want to study took a long time - months of slogging through every website I could, lol. I wish I had made contact w/a few more professors ahead of time, because that seemed to help (at least judging by where I got in).
  10. There was a similar poll a few weeks back. Also, no option for phone only? I'm guessing I will get a snail mail notification later, but so far just phone and then email after phone call...
  11. Hi all. I tried to post a poll about this, but don't seem to be able to post a poll in decisions, decisions... It would have looked something like: a.) I will go to the best program regardless b.) I will go to the best program as long as they give me a certain minimum c.) I will go to the program w/the most money as long as it is in the top ten d.) I will go to the program w/the most money as long as it is in the top 25 e.) Money will be a factor, but will be weighed against program reputation, etc. f.) I will go where they give me the most money, period g.) Other (keeping in mind stipend amount can/should be adjusted by cost of living). I'm having some trouble because my best programs aren't giving me as much and they are in ridiculously high cost-of-living areas and the lowest ranked program in very low cost-of-living area is throwing money at me anyone thinking of this stuff? discuss.... thanks!
  12. I don't have the link handy (it's been posted here on gradcafe before), but the Council of Graduate School has set the date.
  13. I think the educational field may look more kindly on industry references, but I do believe it would help to at least have one academic reference. Is there a course you could take or research you could do before you apply? I ask because I'm guessing this is for next year... and yes, you will need letter-writers to write letters for each program (many of them ask for online submission and have specific questions about your aptitude included). Also, all the programs I've looked at really want people who have academic aspirations, so I'm not sure how your goal statement might hinder you... btw, my undergrad was 12 years ago, but I received a grad degree in 2003. My LORs were a mix of industry and academic writers (probably half and half)...I've just tried to stay in touch w/as many people as possible. Good luck!
  14. I wish we could select more than one option. The 12/15 apps I meant to do the week before, but we lost power and internet for six days that week! I ended up going to my in-laws to do them the day before (since this wasn't an option I checked day of). Those due in January I all did before 1/1 (though they were due between 1/1 and 1/15). Those due in Feb/March I did the last week of January.
  15. t_ruth


    I love Heroes. I'm not sure how I feel about this season in particular though...so far it's just making me miss The 4400, lol.
  16. I didn't check Masters.
  17. ditto. I'm also going to blame it on bad match because I'm otherwise incredibly awesome btw, who the heck sends emails 2am Monday morning (or I guess it was 11pm Sunday night for them)?
  18. Are both schools in the US? They might be willing to both contribute towards one ticket which may help out a little more...
  19. That was you magic? Awesome! I didn't apply there but I thought it was pretty nifty that they sent something UPS to arrive on Saturday
  20. ooh, thanks for bumping this thread! I'll have to read it all when I have a bit more time. My kids are similar in age to yours: one is 3.5 and the other is 9 months.
  21. Bringing one young baby to work is one thing, but they all eventually become active toddlers, and I can't imagine getting much done with mine around all the time (I currently work from home with my two young children and it is difficult enough here with all their things and occasional help). Yes, it is tough to support a family on a grad student stipend, but you made a choice to pursue this particular career at this point in your life. I'm making a similar choice, and know that part of what will make my decision on where to attend is the size of my stipend relative to the cost of childcare. Moving to an unfamiliar place is particularly challenging because some of the lower-cost daycare options, like in-home daycares are too hit or miss to try without prior knowledge and/or a solid referral, so I'm going to have to go w/chain or institutional places where I feel more comfortable that there is sufficient oversight. Some schools do subsidize their daycare centers for students, and I'd suggest looking into that. I see your point about external sources of aid. Someone with wealthy parents is going to be getting extra money, and because it isn't another fellowship, they won't have their primary award reduced. However, I can see why it isn't practical to administer need-based aid for all graduated students (hard to prove who really gets money from their parents, etc. and moving across the country can certainly change a spouse's job situation). Limiting the funds from numerous official fellowships, scholarships and assistantships is an imperfect system, but may be the best thing there is now to ensure that the largest number of qualified students can attend. Sure if frustrates me that all my stipend money has to go to childcare, but that means I just have to work harder to ensure larger aid packages and be more creative with how to manage my children. One option I might try is instead of asking for more money, ask for cost reduction in University daycare tuition. Perhaps you can try that as well.
  22. Now that you are in somewhere or more than one somewheres, it's time to turn the tables and judge them! Any particular criteria you are using to rate potential advisors? Maybe add one (or more) criteria beyond the typical 'helps me publish'... Me, I want someone who responds to emails really promptly.
  23. shit that's awesome! I still don't get the impression this happens w/named fellowships though...
  24. you are just being greedy If the state school's fellowship is a set amount, I'm guessing it is unlikely you can negotiate for more. If you want more, apply for outside funding
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