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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I'm reading a lot of people say things like "I can't imagine doing this again," but I totally can. Sure, the waiting drove me crazy (and the decision-making is hard!), but it's also exhilarating. and it's fun to get to know professors and other students and to write SOPs, etc. I realized in my last interview though that as professors, we will be doing this for the rest of our careers: writing grants and waiting so if you are like me and enjoyed the process and the anticipation even the slightest bit, fear not, for the future holds much of the same! :mrgreen:
  2. t_ruth

    NDSEG 2009

    now it says "the afternoon."
  3. yes, if the alternative is wait an additional two months before being rejected
  4. t_ruth

    NDSEG 2009

    It's been like that for at least a week.
  5. One of the main troubles w/the green line is it is very inconsistent. The inner part of the line is fast, except on game days, when multiple trains can go by until there is space to let you on. The same space issues can happen further out too - they have all kinds of troubles w/delays and you can sometimes wait 30 minutes at BU Central and then three trains come right in a row (of course you might not see the second two trains so everybody kicks and scratches and bites to get on the first train causing injury and further delay).
  6. t_ruth


    to those who applied, what do you think your chances are? I think mine are about 5%...I'd go bananas if I got it!
  7. I chose the third option, mainly because of funding. Many of my schools fund year-by-year, which makes me very nervous and doesn't match up to what I was expecting. Now if I get NSF or something like that, then I guess I would have exceeded my expectations, lol!
  8. t_ruth


    That email someone posted said 3/31 was a possibility, right?
  9. Compared to how you thought you'd do, how did you really do? Any additional details about program, number of schools, etc. would be great.
  10. t_ruth


    so, are we supposed to find out on Wednesday?
  11. t_ruth

    NDSEG 2009

    I'm just curious if they are going to laugh at my application...what on earth is this ed person doing applying...
  12. t_ruth

    NDSEG 2009

    website says the results will be emailed 3/30! I'm sure mine will be a negative result, but at least it is some notification (and a date, unlike NSF)! Anyone else expecting an email?
  13. Are there really programs out there that won't tell us one way or another sometime before 4/15? I have one assumed rejection from which I've heard nothing. I emailed the grad director and got no response and then I called the listed number and got connected to a woman who said that she had been out of the office for months, but she *thought* that the process had been completed and if I hadn't heard anything then I *probably* wasn't accepted (talk about useful, right?). I suppose I should take the hint, but I'd just like to know one way or the other, kwim? Anyone know of places that just leave you hanging indefinitely?
  14. GRE scores seem to be relied upon heavily in University fellowship competitions.
  15. Anyone here considering it? Decisions should come out next week I think...
  16. I lived in a large townhome/apartment complex right near BC (definitely walking distance)...I believe it was called Towne Estates, and it was very quiet. I think you could find something there in your price range.
  17. I applied for scholarships, and I've heard they are deciding the TAships before the end of the month, but that funding prospects are "dire." I have full funding at two other places (one for three years, one for four), so am probably not going to consider it unless they give me at least a decent first year package.
  18. I'm still waiting on some funding info. If I found out for certain one wasn't going to offer me funding, I'd take them off the list... Once I have all the info I will (try to) make a decision. I can't really predict yet how I'm going to do that
  19. interesting. thanks for posting!
  20. So...who is considering it? Who is definitely going? I know I saw a few acceptances on the results board... What do you all think about the year-by-year funding situation? Has anyone heard (positively) about first year funding?
  21. t_ruth


    I wasn't able to find any social science ones either
  22. t_ruth


    I had been googling for weeks and found a handful. Don't have any of the links handy now, but they are out there to find.
  23. t_ruth


    maybe we should start an NSF news phone or email tree? you know, in case of hackers like last year...
  24. no, most of the apartments do not have fireplaces (at least in my experience), but there are a good number in certain areas that do. You should go to mbta.com and select the trip planner option (under rider tools). I would have this open and the subway map open at the same time and maybe another window w/a general map of the city and this will familiarize you w/your options.
  25. Stanford was my only Ed school rejection (so far!). My other one was a psych program (Duke)...
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