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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. t_ruth


    anyone who applied in previous years trying to use your login to access your feedback forms? I thought they kept the same login so just curious if you are able to get in
  2. If you can afford it, the South End would be fabulous for you. I'm jealous and to the poster directly above: goodness gracious, you can't compare South Boston and Dorchester to Roxbury :roll: the best advice is to visit if you can and see what neighborhoods you'd be comfortable in.
  3. t_ruth

    Irvine, CA

    The campus is quite nice. The view from the grad apartments is beautiful and Palo Verde housing is very modern (if still industrial).
  4. Thanks for your feedback. Most of the programs to which I applied were not labeled Ed. Psych, but were under the umbrella of Ed. Psych. At UGA I've been accepted to Applied Cognition and Development. I've been accepted to three other programs and am still waiting on two.
  5. Just wanted to update. I asked a couple of younger/assistant profs about their future plans. They didn't seem offended at all by the question and gave me a number of reasons as to why they plan to stay where they are (all reasons made sense to me). I'm excited about the prospect of the greater attention from being one of only a few students working with a professor, but will be talking with one of the more experienced professors I'm considering later this week and will let you know how I feel after that
  6. Ha! I just posted a similar topic (and deleted my own topic as my first mod act when I realized I should just write a reply here). It's swaying me too, but I'm also feeling that after my visit, the level of enthusiasm of a particular school diminished and now I feel I've done something awful to make them not like me
  7. t_ruth


    I had written last week to ask about a timeline but haven't heard anything. I believe they are on spring break now though...
  8. You get to Harvard Square from JFK/UMass in 21 minutes. Alewife is only 8 minutes, but I found that there were more reasonable (and nice) apartments available in the Dorchester/South Boston area that were very close to the T than around Alewife. The bus from Harvard Ave (in the middle of the Allston student slums) takes 27 minutes and the T takes 44 (that's if you can get on the first try). I just think it is a neighborhood that is really overlooked Boston is a small city...my husband and I used to take walks from Savin Hill to Harvard Square or to the Kendall/MIT area. At a leisurely pace and stopping, to chat, browse, etc. it took at most two hours.
  9. t_ruth


    wow! Think there is any chance for a mid March notification this year?
  10. t_ruth

    Irvine, CA

    ok, update now I'm back home: I didn't feel that it was a soulless place at all. Planned, yes, but not without interest: independent stores and restaurants, diverse people (at least in how they looked, dressed, etc.). I only dealt w/the people at the university and service professionals, but no one seemed vapid. I thought the surrounding was beautiful, the buildings and landscaped green space were well done and the weather was lovely. My husband, who was driving, had one major complaint. He said the drivers were unbelievably aggressive, and he's used to driving in Boston! The students and faculty in my department treated me (and the other recruits) very well and the campus itself was very nice. I think the way the University (and my department in particular) is heading is something I think I want to be a part of, but I've still got a few other schools to see
  11. t_ruth

    Irvine, CA

    Finishing my visit and I still have a soul! Will add further details when I am on a real computer (on phone now).
  12. t_ruth

    Irvine, CA

    I'm going to visit this weekend. I'm prepared for some kind of Stepford Wives environment after this thread!
  13. t_ruth


    I do every other day or maybe twice a week. I'm also waiting for NDSEG. Anyone else?
  14. I would stick to the red line. The green line is notoriously unreliable (there won't be a train for a long time and then three right after one another), and they can be ridiculously packed too. For what you are describing, I would try South Boston or certain areas of Dorchester. Use caution with both as far as neighborhood, but you can get some great deals w/some beautifully renovated places right on the red line. If you live in the Savin Hill area or closer it is really fast to get into town. Try: http://www.athomeboston.com/
  15. I found it was very easy to deal w/in the city w/out a car to have to shovel out. It was a novelty for the first seven years, but now I'm ready to get the heck out of here and on to someplace warmer. Oh, and to all the comments above re: having to get groceries. It isn't a big deal - you just get them delivered if it is something you don't want to carry a distance
  16. I'll be facing a similar decision. My area of focus is pretty small though, so most Universities only have one prof working on it... I have no problem asking the young/newer one(s) if they plan on sticking around. I've also heard of professors taking graduate students with them if/when they move...does this really happen?
  17. My law school tuition covered up to 18 credits, and I never really took that many law classes. I would use the other credits for fun things like figure skating and golf. Can you do that in grad school too?
  18. I was an ed psych applicant. Maybe you are on an unofficial waiting list? Perhaps it is worth giving them a call... I'd also check your spam filters
  19. thank god. I was mortified last month. Though I believe I still have the highest non-mod overall post count
  20. There are a few schools and programs* that mail acceptances and only call those who have had previous contact with a particular professor, so I would say there is still some amount of hope! *I have no idea if yours is one though.
  21. t_ruth


    looks like the college of ed is splitting. They did away with a number of degree programs, I can't find the link to that on this computer and I'm not sure if your area was among them...
  22. t_ruth


    Anyone apply to ASU? Was your area affected by the reorganization: http://education.asu.edu/about/from_the_dean.dot Are you worried about the rankings of the Ed program generally? Have you heard anything from them? What do you think?
  23. t_ruth

    Austin, TX

    Man, some of these posts make me really regret not applying to UT I went there for a year after undergrad and lived first on Camino La Costa in one of the apartments on a shuttle route. It was a great place: relatively clean, not too noisy, quick ride to campus, some decent restaurants in walking distance and convenient shopping a short drive away. I later lived about a 20 min. drive south of UT in a rental house. Very quiet area and what was great is the traffic into town wasn't bad at all! There are plenty of places convenient and affordable for someone who doesn't want to be right next to campus. Enjoy your time there!
  24. I know I wrote on its own thread, but has anyone heard anything from Vanderbilt in any non-neuroscience psych program/area? Aside from two Feb. deadline programs, it's the only one I haven't heard from. *I'm posting here because they allowed application to more than one area and mine was Ed. Psych w/developmental and social and you social peeps seem...well, more social
  25. I've been very lucky to hear from one school a week for the last five weeks, but there is one school (that had a 12/15 deadline) from which I have heard nothing. To make things more frustrating, I can't find anyone anywhere online (here, livejournal, applycorner) who also applied there.
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