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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I think you were probably more on top of it because it was an unusual situation. You would think maiden name issues would be common...unless they just haven't yet become used to women applying also, you sent in a paper app I gather? we were all online I think...
  2. t_ruth

    Prof. Salary

    I've been reading a few threads on the Chronicles forum and they keep mentioning 40K as a professor salary. Is this really the case? I just find it odd considering there are plenty of grad student fellowships that pay a stipend of 30K... Are there any good sites that have info on ave salaries in different fields and types of schools? I know this isn't a typical "waiting it out" topic, but it's a time killer to investigate, right? Not that I'm going in to this for the money, but it would be nice to have some realistic expectation of what we will be earning...
  3. hmm...the fact that a guy w/a changed name had no issues makes even stronger a case for some underhanded anti-feminist academic movement. :evil: **I don't really think that, it is just the lawyer in me, lol. I'm just glad someone was looking out for me and found mine!
  4. You would think, but both of us on this thread had filled our maiden names out on the part of the online app that asks for previous names.
  5. I wonder if more than one want you if they default to the one you listed first in your SOP or something. Most of my SOPs listed a primary prof I wanted to work with and then went on to, "I'd also be interested..." though I guess sharing would be a good option too. When I was applying for RA jobs once, two profs wanted me so asked if I would split time. I ended up focusing more on one than the other, but that was ok because someone else also split the time and ended up focusing more on the other one. it certainly would be grand to be wanted doubly (but I'd settle for just being wanted at all!).
  6. mail just came. Nothing good. I was actually waiting for the delivery person and told her what I was looking for maybe she will knock on the door if she gets anything that looks promising in the future...
  7. Did you hear anything back from them unlikelygrad? Wanted to bump this too since it is the work week and it might help any other married gals out there!
  8. your stats look good - great that you have presentations! and your GRE is good for Ed. I don't think you have to worry about getting in somewhere unless they all have international student caps or something like that. Hopefully we will all hear good news today (or later this week at least)!
  9. there are good cookies here, but you won't find anything to replace the heaven of tim-tams. I'd suggest you bring cases, both for yourself and as bribe offerings
  10. welcome! I share some schools w/you, but different programs: Ed Psych at SUSE and Ed. Psych at Vandy, which is between the dept. of Psychology and Peabody. I wouldn't be pessimistic yet! It is still very early, so no need to worry you won't have any acceptances. Would you like to share background/stats?
  11. I just can't afford to go without funding, so that isn't an option. However, if I got accepted to one school with funding and was happy with that school then I would go. and yes, most here (I think) applied to more than three - I applied to nine.
  12. I'm just curious about the process and I understand a few of you are in the know. Do the committee members fight over applicants? If one wants to say yes and another no? If they both want to be advisors to the same student? How contentious is the process? Any stories you can tell us without revealing identities? thought it might be fun to know...
  13. I can see how waiting is usually advisable, but I have a slightly different situation: I contacted the professor before I sent in the application, but she was out of the country and told me should would be happy to talk in two weeks. In the meantime, I submitted the application. It is now two weeks later, and I didn't want her to think I wasn't still interested, so I just sent her an email saying I hope she had a good trip and that I would still like to chat if she is available. I hope that is ok? I thought maybe saying nothing in this situation would make it appear that I didn't really care?
  14. sure, I can make registration required. which would take care of the troll thing too. I just thought people wouldn't like the hassle. You can also clear the room yourself when you leave remember...
  15. The L Word is great for me right now because there are so many seasons to get through so it will kill a good chunk of time! Also, I watched Season 5 first and then 1, which was really interesting given the overlap between the two seasons w/the movie thing. What season are you watching?
  16. some chatters expressed concern over being able to share more private details (schools, research interests, etc.) and not have it logged, so I've enabled the feature that lets users clear the room. Just be polite and give warning before you do it so that people aren't interrupted in the middle of reading a message.
  17. I think this poster is a troll. They posted a bunch last night and then deleted all their posts. That's why I quoted this one. Plus, I think this is a fairly strange question/suggestion.
  18. maybe that was her polite way of refusing so she didn't have to say she didn't have anything really great to say?
  19. bumping this for all the gals to get it above all nopm's lame deleted posts. Hope this helps someone!
  20. Thought I'd post it here in case anyone wants to pop in and kill time (and all the time wasters are here on Waiting it Out): http://www.chatzy.com/561893647675 **once you are there and sign in, you have to click on the lower-right-hand button that says "join chat." It will stay open until the point if and when the mods make an official one. Hope it is ok for me to post here! If a topic comes up in conversation that would be useful on the boards, please make a thread. EDIT: to avoid impostors, you have to register before joining. someone lame had to ruin the easy unregistered fun for everyone else.
  21. It's all over this board, but I can see the benefit of having a clearinghouse in one thread: Duke, Psychology (developmental) - having heir interview weekend this weekend.
  22. Hey, I created a room (hope that's ok) if anyone wants to chat in the meantime: http://www.chatzy.com/561893647675
  23. really? wow! I know some ask to what other schools you've applied, but to ask for a rank...that's kind of awful of them.
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