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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. sad sad Friday night. and I didn't think ahead and stock up on Netflix before the weekend! I hope you all post lots of interesting stuff to help get through it
  2. yeah, until they stop happening without explanation and the downward spiral of thoughts begins
  3. There are two schools who have been sending weekly status update emails (that's what the subject line says) and I didn't get one from either school this week. I know one of them already gave out interviews (not to me), but they haven't updated the website w/a rejection. Are these status emails continuing for most of you? any of you? Last status update I got from one of them they still didn't have my transcripts but said they were forwarding to the department anyway. Now w/the recent maiden name issues I'm worried it got tossed for lack of transcripts (though I suppose that's easier on my ego than just not being good enough, lol).
  4. I know! Crazy in this day and age. If they aren't careful these schools could have a class action law suit on their hands if this sort of thing makes a difference in admissions/fellowship decisions for women.
  5. OMG I just posted about this exact issue! We must have been posting at the same time!
  6. A particular school required that transcripts, etc. be sent to the graduate school who would disseminate to the department. I kept calling and calling since the status showed they hadn't been received and was repeatedly told not to worry because they still hadn't sorted through mail from the holidays (I called like twice a week as they directed me to). Yesterday my department's grad director called me to ask about the transcripts. I told her what the grad school told me and she investigated today. Turns out they had them for a month filed under my maiden name and hadn't cross-referenced based on social security! I always give my maiden name when an application asks for names under which I might have been previously known, but I can't remember if this particular application asked that question. Thank goodness the grad director is so awesome and tracked everything down for me! It has made me miss some new student fellowship deadlines though, so it isn't all a happy ending (unless they waive the deadlines, which they might thanks to the work of said awesome grad director). Lesson - if you received your degree(s) under your maiden name and your status checks are still showing missing transcripts, call and give them your social security and see if they can look them up that way.
  7. Really? All the places I applied but one had blurbs on their site that they fund everyone (and the one that didn't is working hard to get me a very nice fellowship). I do seem to remember choosing not to apply to some programs that didn't say this.
  8. me? It's not an interview...just an informal conversation like I've had w/the other two - more about me asking questions, though I will reread some of her articles before-hand and try to make a good impression. It's w/a prof at ASU.
  9. ooh, that would drive me crazy too! Could be either!
  10. Now that I have a couple of acceptances, I can add info to my own thread, lol. I had initially sent emails to most of the schools I applied to - I picked the schools based on faculty I wanted to work with and sent them a quick three line email introducing myself, expressing my general area of interest and asking if they were accepting graduate students. Of the two acceptances, one professor and I exchanged a couple of chatty emails (we had something else in common outside of study which I had mentioned in my intro email), and the other had just sent a "yes, it seems like our interests align and I am accepting graduate students." I have yet to hear from any of the school to which I did not send these emails. I also spoke by phone w/two professors and haven't heard from those schools yet. I have a tentative phone call set up w/another prospective advisor next week. I believe all three of these schools notify in March. The phone calls were all professor-initiated: after my intro email they asked if I would like to talk by phone and of course I took them up on it!
  11. people would still use the forums I think, but it would just be a place for us to bang our heads together (instead of against a wall) every once a while.
  12. I wish I had someone to ask. It would be great to have an unbiased opinion from someone in the field!
  13. Yes and no. Depends on the area and specific program...
  14. I think it might vary from school to school whether they do them together. I know at least some of the Ed. Psych notifications were from Colleges of Education, so totally different than Psychology Departments.
  15. $15. And some areas don't even have 20, but there are more than 10 at least... ETA: thanks for the link. They don't have Ed. Psych though
  16. Do you have a link to any of the other rankings (outside of US News...)? I bought the subscription and it only gets you the top 20 in subareas. The thing is, with some programs there is a lot of overlap. For example, if I went to an Ed. Psych program in a psychology department I'd be working with developmental, cognitive, and social psych groups and probably also some with college of ed. people.
  17. I'm facing this same dilemma. It's strange because my subarea, Educational Psychology, is sometimes in the College of Education and sometimes in Psychology Departments. Also, there are programs in places like Duke, which is ranked as a psych program, but not on the listings as Ed. Psych or Education. And even though we've been advised against it, I think that sometimes undergrad rep matters too. Take Duke as an example here too...because of the undergrad rep., the department rep. may have more staying power over the years so that although it is #28 Psych program, it might be preferable to some of the higher ranked state schools that may fluctuate more... Not that this particular example matters much as I don't think I got in there, but I hope you can follow my reasoning. I wish I had a current connection to academia to guide me through this.
  18. I have a limited sample, but I think it really helps. I posted about this a few weeks ago (not sure on the timing) and there were a few responses, so you might find it partly answers your question: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14714
  19. I'm big on those HBO and Showtime shows: Dexter, L Word, Big Love, Weeds, Entourage
  20. but what if we want to TA too? can we get extra $ for that?
  21. I'm in a similar situation and would like some insight. I've seen some descriptions of named fellowships, which look good, have great money and certain other benefits (professional development), but what if we also want to TA/RA...can we? Do we get paid more for doing that?
  22. I just can't go anywhere without funding, but if you have the option, maybe consider the possibilities of getting funding at top school in subsequent years?
  23. I applied to nine, and I guess that was an ok number, but I wish I would have applied to more higher ranked schools.
  24. Just the one acceptance from UGA, though I have a good feeling about a couple of other schools based on completely nonsensical "signs."
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