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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I've had the most success w/using an agent. There are tons of rental agents who will work hard to find you someplace to live (and you don't pay them, the home/apartment owner does).
  2. Yay gad! I know you've been waiting for something.
  3. I'm all for doing things if you can that keep the most possible future options available to you. If there is even a 1% chance that some time in the future you may want to go back for a PhD (or do anything where this presentation would make a difference on your CV), then I would do it.
  4. All those jobs sound great, but I'm just planning on being a regular ole professor For those of you that aren't considering academia, did you state your true goals on your SOPs?
  5. ditto rising_star. That's what credit cards are there for
  6. yep, this would piss me off too. What do you say to them?
  7. I offered and I had asked for help last fall (with one very generous person responding). You can easily tell who you are giving it to when you PM...it isn't like widely disseminating it. Plus, your SOP should be so unique as to not allow for easy lifting.
  8. oh no! be very careful! last year when I got the flu I was pregnant and had been sick w/the pregnancy for months. I had to be admitted to the hospital for IV fluid infusion. Make sure you get enough to drink!
  9. ah, you are right. now I'm going to have to look back through the results search to see if any of my posts had Univertity or whatever.
  10. "Some time" probably means more like five years plus. I think email is a fine way to contact your former professors - it's the least intrusive way to put out some feelers.
  11. Doesn't the drop-down menu w/the name of the school pop up once you start typing? Perhaps it is spelled incorrectly on there if multiple people are making the mistake on the same University.
  12. One of my schools has a fellowship that must be accepted or declined by April 1st. Is this ok for them to do?
  13. I was able to kill an entire day of waiting yesterday with the flu. It was fabulous! All I could do was be curled up in a little ball shivering and attempting to keep down tiny amounts of fluids. I even had to stay away from the gradcafe, because the thought of looking at a bright screen sent me into fits of nausea. Woo.
  14. You should ask. I'm bringing my husband and children to a recruitment weekend and talked about it w/my potential advisor. She was very accommodating, and I know there are some events planned during the weekend that guests (children included in my case) are invited and encouraged to attend. There are a fair amount of married grad students and it seems only natural to include your spouse in the decision-making process, so I don't think it will be an unheard questions.
  15. well, Austin isn't too far away and they do have the awesome freebirds burritos!
  16. I am so over waiting too. I think in the past few days there has been a shift in how I feel about it - I'm almost ready to say screw the top choice later-notifying programs and go w/the birds in hand.
  17. I met my husband while I was in law school at a city neither of us were from (he was also in school, but not law school). We stayed in the city to work, but now we are moving together. You will likely be in school for five years or so...anything after that is really a long time away. I think it is probably best just to play it by ear.
  18. A couple of my schools have target dates for initial decisions, one 3/6 and the other 3/10. I was wondering if anyone had experience w/these. Are they usually right on the money or do admits generally hear before the target dates? Thanks!
  19. I'm not PoliSci, but I have an acceptance letter from UGA and their website still hasn't updated w/a decision.
  20. I find that black boots - the kind w/the side zipper and the very chunky heel look decent and are extremely serviceable. While I lived in Boston, these kinds of shoes were actually my 'snow shoes' for walking to/from campus.
  21. Does it bother anyone to be in a school's 'second string'? I know I'd just be happy to get in, but I couldn't help being a little jealous or wondering what they had that I didn't It's like being the backup girlfriend...
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