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Everything posted by AtBatts

  1. Current SLP student, got in last cycle. I don't know how good of a source I am for this, but I'll list a couple things that might help. In actuality, we don't know what qualities got us in the program. Schools aren't looking for a specific degree as almost everyone comes from some slightly different undergrad. Everyone has had some sort of volunteer experience, mostly with SLPs in a lot of different settings. I found that working in different settings helped improve my application... worked a lot in geriatrics for my first cycle, but the year after I was lucky enough to shadow a pediatric SLP as well as work on material prep. I also felt my references were stronger this time around versus last year, but there's no way in actually knowing haha. And obviously sGPA matters a decent amount, more for some schools then others, but I wouldn't worry about that though. Do whatever you can to get it high this semester, but don't worry after that. I thought my GPA was low when I applied compared to others on the forum, but I guess it was good enough! DMs are open if needed, but I don't check this much at all so may not respond super quick lol Good luck
  2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/525461565667529 That's the facebook group! Once you join that I'll add you to the group chat!
  3. When I didn't get in last year, I took extra courses in the fall, but if you can summer courses would have been smarter, just to give yourself more time to move that sGPA. I took 3 courses; not all relevant tbh tho. I took a first year physics course (as a pre-req for another program I wanted to get into), a course called English words (basically etymology of English) and intro to microbiology. None had really anything to do with my program, but they were courses that I knew that I could do well (was worried about physics but that went well!). Importantly, take a lighter course load so that you can put in the extra work and get those really high grades. Ideally, I think it's always smart to take SLP related courses, but if you can't if you don't have prereqs, just take whatever you can excel in. Specifically some interesting SLP related courses (sorry they are uoft course codes) - JLP315 Language Acquisition (Offered in the summer too at UofT and it's basically development psych but a focus on language) - JLP374 Psych of Language - LIN203 English Words (Wasn't personally a huge fan, but you can do well... only thing that is SLP related I guess is natural sound changes over time which was interesting) -JLS473 Adult Speech Disorders (Did not take it, but the prof as of the last couple years is good and she is very interesting) -JLS472 Child Speech Disorders Also, finally if you do well in your current semester, that will likely bring up your sGPA quite a bit for next cycle. Hope this helps
  4. Here's a UofT group if there's not already one. Once people join I can transfer it over to a gc https://www.facebook.com/groups/525461565667529/
  5. Just wanted to say I got into UofT, rejected from Western unfortunately, which is a bummer but happy to go to my first choice. Best luck to you all and congrats!
  6. I'm not too sure about offers since I got a rejection last year lol, but Western is right at midnight and I woke up to my UofT email at around 9 in the morning. Either way tho, accepted or rejected, its a pretty quick process.
  7. What I did is I emailed my uni registrar that I did my undergrad in and they registered me as a non-degree student. This made it so I only paid on a course by course basis. Did unfortunately make it so that I could only enroll in courses after everyone else, but a lot of the courses I wanted were still available. This was at UofT, but I'm sure that it would be similar at most places even if it's been a year since your undergrad.
  8. I have no idea when it changed, saw it Monday tho, was just randoming checking acorn and saw it. I do not see a list of courses it's just the tab saying invited. Could easily be the default or some glitch in their system tbh.... ^Yup, Acorn is basically what UofT does to do course selection. Only reason I have access to it is because I did my undergrad at UofT. And same last year, I didn't get any response to sign up for anything at UofT; just the rejection letter lol
  9. Yup see the same thing, didn’t see it last year. looking into it now. No definite answers tho
  10. This might sound strange, and hopefully nothing to stress about, but does anyone from UofT, who also applied to UofT see a second tab on their acorn profile saying 2022-2023 MHSC- Speech and Lang Path. I can't remember if this happened last year as well, so I'm freaking out a bit cause it's not April 1st yet. DM me if that's more comfortable for anyone.
  11. Yes, I think it's 5 years. The only accommodation they make I believe is regards to the academic reference letters where if you were out of school for 5+ years you only are required 1 academic reference letter instead of the 2. At the very least, I think experience isn't completely over looked at schools like UofT and Western cause there were a somewhat wide range of GPAs that got accepted, plus they still asked for experiences even if it wasn't SLP related.
  12. That makes sense that it is early next week. Last year, the 15th was on a Monday so perhaps it is something similar this time around. Good luck to you guys
  13. Yup agreed ^, I got the email on the same day response March 15th, I think in the morning. Another thing I remember is that responses are sent out within a few hours of each other. Might be alpha order since I got mine a lot earlier (I have an early surname) compared to my friend who has a later surname. Could be wrong on that, but thought that info might be helpful for those with later surnames who might be stressing.
  14. I don't know how many they had last year, but I believe they dropped the GRE requirement this year, which was the the thing stopping me from applying there in the past. Combine that with no specific course prerequisites, I'm thinking this program became more popular since it became that much easier to submit an application. In addition, it seems that applications to all SLP programs have been becoming more competitive year over year. Could be wrong, just thought think out loud haha.
  15. Checked my emails from last year and can't find anything about a confirmation. Just have the one email from April 1st.
  16. Looks like mid B standing is reference to the final year (aka 5 credits), so it would be the average rather than minimal for all 5 credits. Only thing that needs to be at a certain grade are the prereqs as they specifically say and bolden the word each in their wording. Hope that helps
  17. Hi, I don't think there is an interview component this year. You're right, there definitely was not one last year, but I haven't seen anything to show that it changed this year. Hope that helps
  18. I would say it couldn't hurt to contact them. These other schools won't refer to ORPAS for your subGPA, so maybe what you can do is ask for clarification on how they interpret the error that ORPAS made. Not sure if they would take your sub-GPA chart and compare it to their records, just cause maybe they aren't that far in accessing the transcripts quite yet. Just for peace of mind it could be worth it, especially since last year I was nervous about small details. Up to you, but no real downside just to ask.
  19. Orpas shows the amount of applicants from last cycle as well as the class size. Here's the link of all the schools from the Ontario programs, will have to look through it cause it also shows PT and OT programs https://www.ouac.on.ca/guide/orpas-program-requirements/ UofT has 60 spots and last year there were around 340 applications last cycle
  20. Agreed with the above from yz. Unfortunately GPA is a big part of the application so getting that number as high as possible can never hurt. What you'll find if you apply a second time (Although I hope you get in) is that the current winter semester is pretty important to increase that GPA. Besides school, volunteering helps so much personally. I'm sure it looks good on your letter of intent, especially you have a diverse set of experiences. My first application cycle, all of my experience was on the geriatric care portion that an SLP may experience. This past year I added experience in research as well as pediatric SLP work and hopefully they see that it is a more holistic set of experiences that can translate to the workplace. All the best
  21. Checked the admissions website and it says everything is due on the 17th of January so you should be good!
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