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  1. Yes it’s likely I will accept. But also stressed out since I have accepted an offer else where…
  2. Same here. Can I ask if you are considering going?
  3. I think having strong LORs from referees who knows you well as a researcher is more important than getting LORs from polsci people. My letters were written by sociology prof and environmental policy prof and I have taken zero polsci course as undergraduate student. But I got in half of programs I applied to. But from what I've heard, it can be more advantageous to study towards a Master's in the states if getting into a PhD program in US is your goal. And I think it's amazing that you had much "real world" experience and you are concentrated on qualitative studies!! the world needs more theorist!
  4. Thanks! ya I was told similar things by a professor (who were waitlisted by several schools) that waitlist don't usually move forward until after campus day. I will def reach out to DGS and post back any useful info
  5. For those waitlisted at WUSTL, can I ask if y'all have any information on how long a list they kept and how likely it is to be admitted? Really frustrated about my first decision deadline, which is in a week ... it's a good match with pretty generous funding package. dunno if I should keep my hopes up for wustl Any advice is much appreciated!
  6. congrats to all on your new acceptance!! well deserved! And anyone claiming the new Northwestern offer on the result page? I also applied for AP, but no word so far. Didn't realize they are still sending out admission at this stage. Same question for NYU...should I keep on waiting?
  7. Same here! wonder how many people they usually waitlist
  8. Same here! But in previous years they did not sent out all acceptance in one day
  9. Can we assume NYU has not sent out all the acceptance yet? Only two reported... I'm holding on to the thinnest silver And same for Northwestern
  10. also waiting here
  11. I was at one pre-admission event and had a meeting with POIs from another school after admission. One of the best conversations I ever had. I would take as a good opportunity to evaluate if they would be a good match in terms of advising style and research interest in the next three to five years, rather than an interview thing. Be prepared to discuss your previous work and research interest because they are genuinely curious! You can go in depth about their work if you are interested in related collaboration but certainly don't need to feel pressured.
  12. It said on the admission website Q&A that WUSTL aim to release decisions by first week of Feb. And from previous years they seem to release before Feb 10th. So I think we can count on Wustl for this week! hope this helped
  13. I am also waiting for WashU and Northwestern, hopefully NU would not let out the rejection until late Feb like last year
  14. From what I heard UChicago is quite generous about scholarship comparing to similar programs in the country. I think it said on their website up to 80% students received merit-based scholarship starting at 1/3 of tuition. And the offer would be renewed in the second year based on first year GPA
  15. That's great!! Hoping for good results for everyone
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