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retrotyping last won the day on April 15 2022

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  1. I asked the director about funding a few weeks ago, he told me at least $10,125 and then it’s higher in years 2 and 3. Columbia also has a very low cost of living, so definitely remember that. Not sure if this helps, good luck with your decision!
  2. Minnesota fiction has filled their cohort. spot opening at GMU poetry.
  3. LSU poetry spot opening! CNF spots opening at Iowa NWP and NYU (funded)!
  4. Fiction spots opening at FSU, Arkansas, temple, and UNO today. poetry spot opening at Mcneese will post other updates as I see them!!
  5. Hey! Someone accepted at Michigan for fiction just accepted another offer, so possibly some waitlist movement happening today!!!
  6. Of course! I’m not sure what you mean? They did not mention anything regarding waitlist movement or open spots in the cohort. I truly don’t know where they stand with their admissions right now. If I were you, considering the 15th is tomorrow, I’d email them today and ask for some insight on the likelihood of getting off the waitlist and request that they send you an update end of day tomorrow. Like other schools, I’m sure they’re in a holding pattern; everyone is waiting and it will likely move all at once tomorrow. I’ve heard from another program I’m waitlisted at that if someone turns down their spot tomorrow, they might not be able to offer me until next week. It seems like this is due to some internal approval that has to happen with GTA offers and the unfortunate fact that the 15th falls on a Friday. You might prepare yourself for another week of waiting. One other thing, because I think I saw you were waitlisted at Hollins, a few others on draft also on their waitlist received an email earlier this week essentially saying “hold on” and that they’d likely be getting an offer end of week or next. It sounds like if you’re at the top of their waitlist, they will have notified you by now. I’ll probably be headed there in the fall so do let me know if you’re in! Best of luck!
  7. Took myself off the South Carolina waitlist, so I’m out of everyone’s way. The director also responded to my email almost immediately, so if you’re waiting and want some insight from them, they’re feeling extra communicative today. Good luck, everyone.
  8. Should be some movement at Arkansas for fiction! Waitlists at NWP, Michigan, and Vanderbilt (all for fiction) should be shrinking as well. (Sorry for the thousands of posts… can you tell I had nothing to do today other than stare at draft and will some waitlist movement??)
  9. Someone who committed elsewhere was also accepted there! Again, I don’t think it’s the litowitz program I think they have another MFA program?? Not totally familiar with NW.
  10. Nah, nothing recent. I’m including everything I see in the posts
  11. Waitlist check! syracuse - poetry UTK - poetry (coming soon) Portland state - fiction Northwestern - prose and poetry (I don’t think this is Litowitz, p sure they have a separate MFA) Texas state - fiction Columbia - fiction the New School - fiction columbia - CNF Pratt Institute - CNF maybe I’m crazy, but it does seem like things are moving much more in poetry while fiction is sorta lagging behind?? Anyone else notice/can confirm this? Just looking for some rationality in this agonizing waiting game lol
  12. Spots opening at Iowa WW and Houston for poetry!! (From draft)
  13. First off, congrats! Such wonderful programs!! if I see spots open up at these, I’ll try to post them here… I feel so passionate about easing the pain of this process lol My biggest piece of advice (granted i don’t actually know much) is to make sure you express your desire to attend the schools if you do want to attend. I told my top choices I felt confident I would accept an offer if a spot opened up. Also inquire about the size and your rank on the waitlist. Sometimes program directors will be very frank that you’re in the middle of the waitlist and 3/4 spots have already been filled — in which case, manage your expectations. As April 15 approaches, I know that I’m personally going to check in with programs and confirm if they’ve filled all their spots. Unfortunately, I’ve heard that communication toward the deadline is not always prompt. In terms of program-specific information, your best bet is trying to talk with current students and faculty. Some programs will be really accessible to their waitlisted candidates; if they offer to zoom with you or answer your questions, take them up on it! It seems like most programs will effectively ghost their waitlisted candidates until the time comes to admit/reject them… so I would suggest reading their websites front to back, listen to the MFA podcast episodes that are relevant to these schools, Google the faculty and watch/read their interviews. There are a lot of people on here and on Draft familiar with certain programs, so if you can join the MFA draft Facebook page, that’s definitely going to connect you with people who are a wealth of program-specific information. The more research you do, the more confident you’ll feel if you get off a waitlist somewhere and have to make a decision same day. Good luck to you, the waiting is so stressful!!
  14. No problem at all! And I had the same thoughts about them offering more spots than they had… but who knows if that’s the case, that’s just what a few people are assuming. I’ll be sure to update you if I see anything, and so you know, I’m pretty sure I’m going to remove myself from their waitlist and focus on other offers, so I should be out of your way! Good luck to you too.
  15. Regarding the South Carolina waitlist… I responded to your PM yesterday, no news. I did see that at least two people in the last month have said they’ve turned down their offers, but there’s a person in the draft group who was told she was first on waitlist and she’s not received an offer yet. I was told I was high up, they didn’t specify where, so I don’t think they arbitrarily told her she’s first because they’re definitely not telling everyone that. They either initially offered more people than spots, or they’re taking weeks and weeks to fill open spots (most likely the former). This is all to say that it’s difficult to tell if/when they’ll get to their waitlist.
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