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  1. @CHRISTOPHER QUANG BUIcan't commit cause I haven't been accepted! Do you prefer to go to U of SC?
  2. @CHRISTOPHER QUANG BUIthanks! Yeah, he reached out last night and I saw this morning! Not sure I'm going to accept, I'll let you know what happens!
  3. Nothing from U of SC but I'll let you know as soon as they reach out @CHRISTOPHER QUANG BUI! I'm also waiting on Hollins. I think if I do somehow make it off both waitlists, I'd choose Hollins.
  4. They haven't reached out to me, nope. Quite annoying!
  5. We should connect, are you in the draft group? I'm having a hard time feeling like this is real, like I'm actually going to move 12 hours away and go to writing school. What even is writing school
  6. I was the person who said it in draft! Two people have declined and U of SC is still yet to reach out, so I'm interested to see how it pans out as well. These have been a very long couple of months
  7. Oh cool! I'm first on the fiction waitlist, maybe this means they'll reach out. Where are you headed, then?
  8. Are you on Hollins' waitlist as well? Looks like we're both vying for the same schools if so Hollins and U of SC? Also, did anyone mention that UTK's waitlist is 89 people long? Someone in draft emailed them and this is what they said! I'm also considering NYU because I've lived in NY all my life and I'm frightened of leaving, but I really do want to leave, so hopefully I will gather the courage. ...*And* get off the waitlist of the school I want to go to. ?
  9. Yeah, I'm a fiction applicant! Did they tell you where you are on the waitlist/how long it is?
  10. Is U of SC a good program? I don't hear much about it but I'm on the waitlist as well. I don't know what to feel about it.
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