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Decaf (2/10)



  1. wonder if Iowa have finished notifying its fiction acceptances!!!
  2. but people know what it means. we are not at a grammar quiz or anything.
  3. You are to human decency what Dorian Gray is to good moral. No one can really define what good literary fiction should be like! We are applying to the CREATIVE writing program! At least I laugh out when reading @koechophe's line "My head is far harder than this brick wall that I'm banging it up against. The wall of admissions will crumble eventually. "! At least I entertain people more in grad cafe; At least I give more unexpected, fun, and warm response to people than you do. This is what a good writer does. Shine at any place and produce words that engage people at any time. and you are just a maker of anxiety, negativity, and misinformations.
  4. what about me cindee! why no mean words for me??? am I too funny for you to judge?
  5. thank you. as you can see, I am an egoist, which means I remain optimistic then.
  6. As someone with attachment issues, and who always overshares, I just realize that by posting on grad cafe, I gain a subtle sense of pleasure. I might start to write dairy about my traumatic love life+ failed academic life+ chaotic family life+ anxious social life on grad cafe. I hope grad cafe doesn't block me. People are very weird when we are on the emotional rollercoaster ride called---MFA application.
  7. SOS is it too early to give up hope on Iowa or not? Accepting mainly through phone calls and rejecting only through posts? What kind of outdated/cruel/quirky elitism is that? (My friend: don't complain about Iowa under your real name? what if they read the post Me: would they care? if they do, go learn that modern technology bless us human beings with one great invention---email! and at least, i am a woman with great humor and you know what, humor is important to writers. what else, oh, apparently, i can also talk a lot, and this is also a valuable quality for writers. thank you!
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