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torysira last won the day on August 20 2024

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  1. I see the results posted here: https://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/results-resultats/recipients-recipiendaires/2023/doctoral_fellowships-bourses_de_doctorat-eng.aspx At the top of the page, it says "This list reflects the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships offered in winter/spring 2024. This is a point-in-time list and may not reflect the actual total amount of funded recipients, with awards accepted or declined as late as January 2025. SSHRC does not post updates to these lists; however, you can find information about award recipients through the Open Government website." Previous lists do not have such a disclaimer, and in past years they have been posted in March, presumably after the January acceptances came through. For whatever reason, it seems they have announced the recipients earlier this year, and as such it is not a complete list.
  2. Unfortunately I don't know. My speculation is that they likely didn't have as many declined awards as usual due to the funding increase and the few they did have may have already been re-awarded
  3. HI folks, popping in with info for those who are on the "waitlist" (spoiler: it doesn't look great for us). Since Budget 2024 mentioned increasing the number of awards available, I emailed SSHRC asking if we would hear any information. I finally heard back from a program officer who said this: "Thank you for your email. Budget in the previous year may occasionally allow SSHRC to offer awards to meritorious candidates who were not offered an award at the time of the release of results. At the moment, no additional awards are available. We highly encourage you to submit a new application in the new 2024 competition." Wish I had better news to share but I hope this information will at least be helpful. I can't apply since I've passed the 48 month window but best of luck to anyone else who will reapply!
  4. I just logged on and saw this: CGS-Doc Important Notice Please note that the documentation on this site will be available for 90 days, after which time it will be deleted. Please ensure to download any information required for your records. Mobile device instructions for ZIP files: Once the file is downloaded, you must open the file using “My Files App” on Android or the “Files App” on Apple. Select “Downloads” and click on the zip file. It will ask you to extract the zip file and, once this is done, you will be able to access all pdf’s in the folder. There are no documents in this view. Date modified: 2022-04-11 _______________________________________ So I am not getting the same internal error you are getting, but I have no idea what it means. The suspense is killing me but the longer I go without hearing, the more I think it's unlikely I'm moving off the waitlist this cycle. Also, the phrasing of their email isn't clear and I wonder if they are waiting until next year to provide more awards, and just increasing the value this year.
  5. Link to the official announcement for anyone curious: https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2024/05/government-of-canada-announces-details-of-increase-in-award-values-for-federal-scholarships-and-fellowships.html Since it says "currant and new" award holders, I feel confident that anyone who got May payments will see the increase in Sept. It also implies that people from past award cycles who are still holding their award will see the increase too, which I hope is the case. Fingers crossed for those of us on the waitlist! 🤞
  6. Weighing in to commiserate with everyone and thank ppl for sharing their news. Congrats to those who have earned & solidarity with those who didn't- this whole thing is frustratingly arbitrary, so don't let it get you down. I applied in 2021 (for 2022-2023) and was rejected outright (My application was "meritorious but not selected"). However, this year I received the whole "selected but not funded" spiel, which I do think means there is some sort of "waitlist" as opposed to just funded/not. Also, seems like the Budget 2023 received "royal assent" and went into effect in late June 2023, so hopefully we can expect a similar timeline this year. Best of luck to everyone! Fingers crossed that we will hear more about timeline and whether there is extra funding after the May 24th deadline for those who were awarded.
  7. I believe the CGS-D is $35k and the fellowship is $20k? According to the selection criteria, "top-ranked candidates who meet the relevant criteria are offered a CGS D Scholarship. All other successful candidates are offered a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship." It appears they prioritize the $35k awards first, then the $20k (makes sense)
  8. Thank you to @Stillwaiting334for posting that link, you are a saint! ❤️ I was declined but thought I'd post my results here. To be honest, I'm funded through my program already so this is an ego blow but not devastating for my financial situation ? I'm glad the funding can go towards people who need it to enter their programs. I was in committee 752-4A and ranked 80/160 with a 9.78/12. The cutoff was 75 (brutal). Sincere congratulations to all awardees! Sending good vibes and hugs to those of us who weren't successful this time around
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