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    shh it's a secret
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  1. Anyone want to claim the Columbia waitlist?
  2. Yeah I mean, like I said, I know one person in HM and one in ethno that didn't interview, but they were music majors there for undergrad.
  3. Yale 1000% does, but their stuff is usually a lil later for some reason
  4. Both. Only one I'm not sure on is comp
  5. They generally do. The only people I know that haven't had to interview went to Columbia for undergrad.
  6. Claiming UWO acceptance in music theory. Turning it down because I've already accepted another offer.
  7. UCSB's email said they aren't accepting anyone because they are upgrading and retrofitting the buildings. Not sure how true that is, but it was weird they decided that after significantly extending the app deadline. To be fair, they did also say they'll be refunding application fees and some travel fees for those that already did an in-person audition. As far as Berkley, I think there was someone that has heard back from ethno. Might just be that whoever has been accepted isn't on grad cafe?
  8. I saw someone posted a waitlist on the results page, but that's all I've seen.
  9. I've hear from most. Slew of rejections, 1 acceptance I'm really excited about. A few pending, but the results likely will not change where I enroll.
  10. Or the ethno, for that matter?
  11. Anyone want to claim the Columbia Musicology admit?
  12. Not from Yale, but I saw on the results page that a few folks got accepted at UPenn.
  13. Getting nervous because a few of my schools have historically sent out first-round interviews by now but I haven't heard anything ?
  14. Are you asking for a specific city, or are these questions you are suggesting other people keep in mind?
  15. I've just finished my 3rd interview. No responses from any (about 2 weeks since the first one has passed). Radio silence from 7 programs, got an automated email from the Graduate School at one that I "passed preliminary screening and my materials will be sent to the appropriate department," but I don't know that it means much. Absolutely. I keep getting my hopes up for one of the programs because the door is ever so slightly open since I've not been 100% rejected.
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