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  1. The Columbia faculty is fantastic -- I also applied even though it looks like I didn't get in this year. It would be hard to turn down a tuition free offer from them. I do think NYU is maybe better in terms of faculty and prestige, but since waitlist admits seem to get less funding, might be hard to accept in lieu of the others. Congratulations!
  2. With NYU seemingly not happening, I'm still hopeful for Brooklyn, Hunter, and Columbia this season. NYC rise up!
  3. Hate to be this guy, but any NYU or Brooklyn College acceptees thinking of declining their offers? Lol. Just wondering if I should expect anything with these waitlists.
  4. In the same boat re: the fiction Waitlist to NYU! Would love to know more info -- I'm getting the hunch that it's a sizeable waitlist, but I think they have semi-large class sizes.
  5. Do we feel like Iowa is done? There a spate of acceptances in the third week of February but I haven't seen anything since...
  6. Congrats! If it was me, I wouldn't want to turn everything else down until I had accepted a confirmed offer. Because I'm scared of wild off-the-wall scenarios like a school losing all its funding in a nightmarish situation and rescinding my offer lol (which to be clear I've never heard happen). So maybe if I were you I'd turn down one of those other offers? And then turn down all as soon as you accepted wherever you end up going to.
  7. Let’s all remember that a lot of these places have incredibly low acceptance rates.. Harvard Law School has an acceptance rate of 7-10%, Harvard undergrad has 3-4% — nearly all fully funded (or even partially funded) programs that I know of are more selective than that. Less than 1%, in the cases of the programs that have like 5 seats (Vandy, Cornell, etc.) So rejection is definitely not a totally negative referendum on your writing! It ‘is’ however a reality check, reminding us that our cultural environment does not allow for the support of that many full-time studying/working creative writers. So we do have to dig in if we want to be one of those, and continue to improve via workshops and other community collaborations while we can. i know someone who applied to MFAs three times without any success, then got into Michener on the fourth try. I know a novelist who runs a selective workshop program who finally was able to publish their first novel a couple of decades into their writing career. So, these things are possible. But they take work and time. signed - someone on their third application cycle who is also definitely feeling the lows right now lol
  8. Thanks! I think it’s the only way for me to prove to myself that my success doesn’t depend on MFA programs. I actually realized that I started this novel when I was waiting for notifications last year…. So maybe I should keep applying and getting rejected to keep up the need to prove myself lol
  9. This week has been painful -- the slow Iowa rollout in particular is like aghhhh. Does anyone have info on when Brooklyn College notifies? This is my first cycle applying there. On the bright side, I finished a rough draft of a novel this week! So regardless of outcomes, I'll having something to focus on for the rest of the year.
  10. Right, what dagreenkat just said is kind of what I meant -- acceptances and waitlists more often than not go out in batches. Congratulations though! Hope the waitlist (or something else) works out :).
  11. I haven't seen any Michigan waitlists, so I feel (hope) that it might not be over yet.
  12. Seems like this will be a big week for notifications, no? Looking back at results from the last few years, a lot of fully funded programs seemed to notify by this week of February or earlier. good luck to all!
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