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fridgezipper last won the day on April 25 2024

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  1. If you check the Support our Science twitter page, a Member of Parliament has confirmed the increase will apply to people who receive the award this year, so definitely accept the award. Caveat of course is that this is politics and all of these budget promises could be undone when we inevitably get a conservative government who is campaigning on reducing spending elected next year...
  2. This is the bargaining stage of the five stages of grief…..don’t worry I’m there too right now serious answer, historically there’s a waitlist, and the letter for people on the waitlist would say something like “while your application was considered meritorious, it was not funded due to budgetary constraints. Should more funds become available…”. I haven’t heard of anyone being told they’re on a waitlist
  3. They used to release them with the results but stopped a few years ago. I heard of someone two years ago emailed NSERC asking their rank a few months after results came out and they told them
  4. For those of you that got the award: come in here and brag and celebrate!! It’s an amazing achievement and you deserve it! Or if you got rejected come in here and complain because really what does NSERC know anyway
  5. They usually come out over several hours, just be patient and don’t worry, but make sure you’re checking the right email.
  6. Congrats to everyone getting good news! Got my email an hour ago but can’t access it on my phone and won’t be near a computer for a few hours 🙃
  7. Emails have started coming out, good luck everyone
  8. No. The emails come out over several hours and there is absolutely no pattern to how they come out, not by awarded/rejected, not by committee number, not by PGS-D/CGS-D, not alphabetical order, it’s totally random. People on this forum every year always desperately try and find a pattern but there isn’t one, it’s just seemingly random, you just have to wait until you get yours
  9. To anybody reading this and freaking out because they didn’t get an email from their institution and are worried they didn’t get the award, it’s rare that instituons do this and definitely not the norm, relax and breathe, you’ll get your email from NSERC soon
  10. Nserc released on the 25th last year but nobody actually knows for sure exactly what days the results will come out, just that it will happen by April 30th. It's a different day every year.
  11. It's almost certainly fine. People are on this forum every year freaking out because their application isn't in the portal or says something weird, it's always fine. That portal is not where the results will be released anyways so don't bother checking it. You'll get an email from NSERC with login information from a different portal when the results are released. Edit: I checked mine and both of them from previous years also say received, so don't worry about it
  12. And by “before that” they mean April 29th
  13. I don’t think anybody knows yet, but on the support our science Twitter page they say they reached out to members of parliament for clarification on exactly this, still waiting for an answer. Would suck to lose $10,000 a year of funding for sure, but worst case scenario you’ll definitely still get $40,000 a year. You’ll just have to wait and see for more details unfortunately
  14. I cant post a link but on the support our science Twitter page they confirmed via a member of parliament that scholarship increases will also apply to current award holders and those who receive the awards this year. Excellent news and probably a reliable source.
  15. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst….
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