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About TaraDanielle

  • Birthday 01/30/1989

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  • Location
    Columbus, Ohio
  • Program
    History Ph.D.

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. I got accepted to their MAPSS program too, half-tuition. I think I'm going to take NYU's fully funded Ph.D. offer, though.
  2. Chicago. I saw a couple Chicago posts on the results board, so maybe mine is on the way.
  3. Michigan and UCLA rejection today. One more letter/email then it's over!
  4. I have had the same majors: Arabic and History. I just added a minor (Persian) along the way.
  5. Broadly speaking, my specialization is Greater Syria in the Middle Ages (particularly during the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt). I focus mainly on cultural/social/intellectual issues. More narrowly, I am working on a thesis about intellectual relationships in Syria during this time, and how different processes of education fostered relationships that transcended class, race, and sometimes even gender.
  6. foreign policy
  7. I'm waiting on UCLA, Michigan, and Chicago.
  8. No, I wasn't. I think that may be because I applied for one of their joint programs; I believe that was the case for another of NYU's acceptances as well.
  9. The email came from the Associate Dean of Graduate Enrollment, Roberta Popik, with an attached letter from the dean. I hope you get in too!
  10. This happened today (!): I was sitting in class listening to a lecture on martyrdom in Islam. My phone buzzed. When I saw that it was from NYU Graduate Admissions, my heart stopped, and then I opened it and saw "We are pleased to offer you" and I just started grinning like a fool. My eyes even teared up. My professor either thought I was really emotionally invested in her lecture or crazy.
  11. I got my first acceptance today! I was listening to a lecture on the martyrdom of Hussein when I got the email from NYU saying that I was accepted to their joint ME/Islamic studies and history Ph.D. program. And I got funding!! I sat there grinning like fool for the last hour of class...I told my professor after so she didn't think I was possessed or irreverent or something. So happy!!
  12. This is me, in pie chart form.
  13. Mine said that as well. Lovely, with my two rejections and no acceptances. Thanks for that...
  14. Pennsylvania has been sending out emails, linking people to their website for their admissions decision. Rejection #2 for me. I knew they were only accepting one Middle Eastern history student, but two rejections in two days kind of hurts.
  15. Yeah, I just got my first letter - a rejection - this morning. It hurt more because of the "Oh-no-what-if-ALL-the-schools-reject-me!" feeling than anything, I think. One of my professors actually told me that this school may not be the best for me, so I'm going to hang on to that and try not to feel too depressed.
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