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BeccaFL last won the day on January 4 2024

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  1. Congratulations on Buffalo! I think it's okay to accept, although you have probably already decided by now. I read it was frowned upon to do that, but then I heard many others say as long as you decide before the start date is close, it will just open a spot up for someone who was waitlisted. I kind of wish I had done that now myself.
  2. I'm not much help. I was accepted there but chose another school. I have only heard great things about the UK. Everyone I've seen online who is in the MSW program raves about how great it is. If you get on Instagram or Reddit, you should find current and past students.
  3. Hey there. I honestly can't remember. Ohio State was quicker than UBuffalo, which took months. I think OSU was about 8 weeks or so. Good luck!
  4. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.
  5. Thank you! How would I go about doing that? Ohio wants students to fill out applications for individual scholarships. I was spoiled with Tulane putting my scholarship in my acceptance letter, and I assumed other schools would do the same.
  6. Thank you. Did you hear back from BU yet? I was also accepted to Ohio State, which had been my top choice originally. I cannot decide between the two schools. Tulane will be less money, but Ohio Is a bigger school and could offer more opportunities. I am so torn and feel like I will regret my decision either way. How do I know which is best for me without knowing how it will really be at either school?
  7. Congratulations! Then you will be in my boat about which school to choose...I cannot decide. I was accepted to Ohio State University on Wednesday, which was my top pick until Tulane gave me such a great scholarship.
  8. Yes, me! I applied to 7 schools: Tulane (Accepted) U of Kentucky (Accepted) (would pick Tulane over this one) UConn- Waiting U of Montana -No longer want since Tulane acceptance) University at Buffalo (SUNY) - Waiting and I won't hear back until March Ohio State U - Waiting anxiously lol U of Central Florida -No longer want since Tulane acceptance) Where did you apply, how many schools, etc. ?
  9. Good luck! Let us know when you hear back
  10. Congratulations! I'm still waiting on other schools and really want to hear back from Ohio State.
  11. Good luck to you, it's so hard waiting. I was accepted to Tulane yesterday, but I have 3 more schools I'd like to hear back from before I decide. It was pretty exciting. It was towards the bottom of my list due to the cost, but they awarded me a large academic scholarship, making it one of the most cost-effective choices.
  12. I got my Tulane acceptance today!
  13. Is anyone else obsessively checking their portals and emails even though you know it's too soon? 😬
  14. I figured I'd start this thread and see if anyone has completed or in the process of applying for an MSW for the coming fall. I ended up applying to 7 schools, all online programs. The waiting is killing me and I am sure I won't hear anything until end of January - sometime in February or March. I've applied to: UConn University at Buffalo UCF (central fl) Ohio State University Tulane U of Kentucky U of Montana (safety)
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