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Everything posted by pananoprodigy

  1. Wondering this too!! We're way behind schedule for their usual timeline Edit: Well not WAY behind (they've typically notified around Feb 20), but every day feels like a year over here lol
  2. It's a big decision, there's nothing unethical about using the time allotted to you to be sure you're choosing the best option! I really don't think people are waiting to turn down acceptances out of laziness. I mean obviously if you know 100% that you're not attending you should decline it asap, but I just feel like most people don't know that with such certainty at this stage. The wait is agonizing but that's just part of the vibe unfortunately.
  3. Arizona in particular is pretty late compared to the last few years 😕
  4. 900 just in fiction is CRAZY, I hope you're getting yourself a little or not-so-little treat today to celebrate! CONGRATS!
  5. Where oh where is Arizonaaaa😩
  6. This is SO helpful and good to know, thank you!!!
  7. Did anyone successfully request application fee waivers? I'm really regretting not applying to more programs, but frankly I just couldn't afford to and I really didn't even think about requesting waivers.
  8. Losing track, so just want to check - have we heard anything at all (rejections, acceptances, waitlists) here or on draft from University of Arizona?
  9. I love that story so much. One of my little mantras I've been repeating over and over is "what's meant for me will never pass me by" and that feels like a similar vibe.
  10. Wondering this too, I'm not on draft so i didn't see that about the interviews 😩 But I know last year they had already sent some if not all acceptances by the 20th of feb
  11. How many does Iowa typically take per year in each genre?
  12. Who else is suffering in the Haven't Heard Anything From Anywhere club? I'm gnawing at the bars of my enclosure I need SOMETHING to happen!!!!
  13. Man, this is SUCH a frustrating situation and I'm so sorry you're dealing with it. It's totally not on you, I didn't end up applying there but I was also off base on the Northwestern situation when I was researching schools, I thought it was all fully funded too. They definitely don't make that clear enough. I would say as much as it sucks right now it it's a GREAT sign that you were accepted. Probably hard to view it as a win right now, but it really is. As someone with a prior MFA in a semi-related but not creative writing field, I kind of see both sides of the coin when it comes to paying for the degree. My MFA was not at all funded and although i did get some scholarships here and there, tbh I'm probably going to be in debt from it for the rest of my life. That used to really bother me but ultimately I learned so much, became such a stronger writer, and made so many important relationships that I do think it was ultimately worth the $200 or whatever it is I need to pay the government per month (lol). I'm not necessarily encouraging you to do the unfunded NW program, but if the program is appealing to you and you think this is the right moment for you to be in school, I don't think it's inherently wrong if you do decide to consider it, even though the conventional wisdom is to never pay for an MFA. That said, I think you're in a great position to get accepted into a fully funded program in the future. Either way it's a great accomplishment to be accepted anywhere, and you should be really proud. Sending you hugs!
  14. Y'all I'm so checked out at work, I used to confine application stuff to my phone but at this point I'm just openly scrolling gradcafe on my work computer lol
  15. Ugh. I'm so so sorry. Something similar happened to me years ago, except I had already started the program (as an international student, so I had moved across the world to do so 🙃) when they told me they were essentially cancelling my program due to a faculty change and I would need to transfer into a totally different degree. It's so unbelievably frustrating to realize you've done everything you were supposed to do and some things are still out of your control. Hoping everything works out ❤️
  16. I'M LOSING IT LOL, I see it's a PhD admit now! Thanks / sorry to make anyone panic lmao
  17. This might be a dumb question but is "English" on the results board a different degree than Creative Writing? Just saw there's an Iowa acceptance from today but not sure if that's the same program?
  18. My best advice (and I'm still learning!) is to just submit, submit, submit. Make it a habit of getting on Submittable every day and submitting to 5+ places. Once you're used to it you can do it really fast. When you're submitting that much the rejections will start to roll in which will feel demoralizing at first, but eventually you get to a place where a) you're submitting so much that you don't even always remember submitting to the place that rejected you and b) the rejections almost start to feel validating because it's evidence of how many places you've submitted. Or maybe that's just me lol.
  19. Pretty sure Brown has trended towards mid-March from what I've seen on past years' threads, but maybe somebody else has other info?
  20. Prowling the past threads again and just realized University of Arizona notifs started going out this day last year and the year before.
  21. Ugh today feels like it's been another slow day. I don't know why but I really had it in my head that there was going to be a big wave of news all week. edit: i do know why, it's because I'm delulu ❤️
  22. I definitely wouldn't beat yourself up about this, it happens! I think it's nice that you reached out with an update once you realized.
  23. Scrolling past threads (again) (I need help) and fun fact, the first Iowa fiction notification got posted on this day last year 😬
  24. Agreed, I don't know why but I just have a feeling this week is going to have a LOT of movement. Excited and scurrrred
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