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Everything posted by pananoprodigy

  1. Just a little over a month til most apps open up - we are SO back y'all 😎 I'm actually excited to do this again!
  2. Same LOL - maybe there’s still hope for 2024 πŸ˜‚
  3. Congrats to everyone hearing from their waitlists! Has anyone gotten their university of Oregon rejection yet??
  4. It'll probably show up randomly a few months from now when I'm having a bad day hahaha
  5. Thanks! I had been locked out of my Iowa portal but I just got it reset and yeah, they did update it. Kind of a bummer to me to spend so much money/time on these applications and not even get a formal rejection email. I get it, but also πŸ˜•
  6. I still haven’t heard anything from Iowa or University of Oregon (fiction). :/
  7. Is anyone still waiting for their fiction rejection from Iowa?
  8. From university of Oregon: β€œThank you for reaching out! The Creative Writing department has let us know that they will be sending out their final decisions in mid-April. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide any updates on individual applications until that time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.β€œ Mid April when acceptances when out in January is crazy
  9. Unfortunately I already have the debt so it’s a bit too late for that. lol
  10. Thank youuu, that's a really good point that I have to remember (re: the years in between are also my life). My parents are cool and it would be nice to be closer to my little sister, who also lives at home, so I don't think it would be bad in that sense, but it definitely would be a huge adjustment for somebody (me) who's been used to living alone for like ten years lol.
  11. Don't really feel comfy bouncing this off anyone in my real life just yet so I'm tossing it here. I didn't get in anywhere this year (technically still waiting to hear from Oregon and Iowa lol). It was my first time applying and I only did 4 schools because I already have an MFA and I wasn't totally sure if I wanted another one. Now that time has passed I feel a lot clearer that actually yes, I DO want to do this, for sure, and I'm planning on applying to way more programs this time, as well as doing a lot more prep work. I've lived in my current city for just about 10 years, I love my friends and my apartment, and the idea of leaving is really, really scary. I think leaving for a specific purpose (like grad school) would lessen that a little, but I recently had the thought that I could actually leave this coming winter and move back home with my parents to save money while I apply. I work remote and if I were able to save what I'm currently paying on rent, I could theoretically start an MFA program in 2025 with about $20,000 of my own money saved up. However, I'd be gambling on the fact that I will, in fact, get in somewhere this time. If I don't I'll have moved across the country and uprooted my whole life just to be 33 living in my childhood bedroom. I could also continue my life as-is and plan to only move home next spring if I get accepted; I guess I wouldn't be saving THAT much more compared to moving in the winter. Idk, I guess I'm just wondering what y'all would do in this situation. I'm in so much debt from my other master's degree that the idea of going into this one with a big chunk of money is really really appealing.
  12. @Scribe for the record didn't think it was insensitive at all. These decisions are so tough and this is a safe space to vent!
  13. Yeah soooo quiet this week. I’m STILL waiting for my Iowa and U of Oregon rejections. Humanely euthanize me already jeez
  14. Tysm, this is so helpful! I’m reapplying for fiction, so the summer class sounds like it would be perfect!
  15. I feel silly goofy even asking this but has anyone worked with an MFA consultant or something similar during the app process? I'm pretty skeptical about that kind of thing but now that I'm thinking about next year I can kinda see the value in having someone help with the SOP in particular (I feel like that may have been the weakest part of my application; it's at least the part I put the least effort into😬). Idk, just fishing for thoughts.
  16. Appreciate u, Scribe ❀️
  17. I'm still waiting on 2 schools, but....does anyone have experience telling their recommenders that you got rejected from everywhere? 😞 and asking them to do this all again next year? I only applied to 4 programs this year because I already have an MFA and wasn't sure I should/could do a second one, but now that I've had more time to mull it over I think I really do want to do it, and I'm looking at applying to a lot more schools next year. I'm not that close with my recommenders and for some reason that element is the most stressful to me right now even though logically I know they've already written my recommendations and would probably be fine uploading them again when the time comes. Idk I'm just at work and bumming myself out further for no reason.
  18. This is so dumb but when I was deciding where to apply I had to choose between ASU and U of A and the fact that Linda is from Tucson tipped the scale for me lol I love her so much. And if you want some good old fashioned cowboy in the desert music, Marty Robbins is the best and is also from AZ!
  19. Making a playlist of Arizona-related songs to summon them instead of doing my job rn ❀️
  20. Dang weeks of no news at all and then today on top of Brown I just got a rejection from a residency I was really hoping for. πŸ™ƒ when it rains it pours
  21. Just got my official Brown rejection (fiction)
  22. I got an email from Arizona today and almost had a heart attack because I thought I was finally getting some closure - but no, it was just a marketing flier for their undergrad program, lol.
  23. πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― BROWN πŸ•― πŸ•― ❀️ πŸ•― πŸ•― FICTION πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― πŸ•― Not to brag y'all but I think we might be the most mentally ill application cycle gradcafe has seen in a while and I love that for us 😜
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