I am also finishing the PhD (the planned date to submit my monograph is March 11th) and I'm also worried. I think the expectations for publications are adjusted based on where you are at in your career, though, so I wouldn't be overly worried about that (but maybe it depends on the committee, too). However, I have been warned that if you have taken a long time in your program and have not yet graduated, it can greatly impact your feasibility score. I included reasons for my delays on the allowable inclusions page, like the loss of my brother and lab shut downs during Covid, but I am emotionally prepared for this to impact me (currently in my 8th year). I have a few interviews coming up (one tt position at a research university, two others for liberal arts colleges), and the pressure of what happens if I don't get SSHRC and can't secure a reasonable alternative feels like it will really impact my performance.
In any case, I'm rooting for all of us, in our varied situations. There are a lot of variables outside of our control, and the truth is we are all deserving...