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everything bagel lover

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Everything posted by everything bagel lover

  1. Sorry to fill the forum with CSU talk but I didn’t see the second part of this and can’t edit my previous posts: What I like about CSU, as it is my top choice should I get funding: The faculty seem amazing and I love Ramona Ausubel’s writing particularly, the annotations that you do throughout the three years, the fact that it’s three years, the requirement to take a 300 level course outside of English + a required literature class, each professor has a written statement about their teaching and workshop philosophy, and generally the vibes just seem incredible. The biggest sticking point is the 30-50 annotations you do on media throughout the degree, you write little informal craft papers on books, movies, songs, etc that seems like such a fun way to engage with media as a writer. And I know I can do them on my own but it’d be cool for them to be a part of my degree.
  2. I too am curious about that. You have to submit a separate application for the GTA that gets approved by a separate committee. They said that the waitlist for the GTAship isn’t definitively ranked because of the ebb and flow of things. It has me on edge to say the least. 5 per genre and 2 GTA positions per genre so 6 total GTA positions total for creative writing. The GTA positions are split between the three masters programs in the English department.
  3. So based on what current students said, there’s no hierarchy within the cohorts based on who gets funding and who doesn’t. For CSU at least, it seems like a really genuinely collaborative community. I was worried about that going into any program with partial funding. I imagine it varies from program to program.
  4. This year they fund 2 out of 5 incoming cohort and they expressed that they wished they could fund everyone but it seems they don’t have the resources to do so. it is really unfortunate they don’t fund everyone and it seems like the community within the MFA is strong in spite of the fact that they only fund a few candidates.
  5. That’s very sweet of you, I’ll know by this coming week so fingers and everything else crossed! I hope you can find some peace and closure and don’t stop writing!! It took a lot of us multiple rounds and personally, I took a couple of years between applications. Whatever you do, it’ll be great!
  6. Congratulations!!!!! Congratulations!! Also I can't find the OG post but congratulations @saintjdog and other good news people!!! ❤️❤️
  7. I can't believe it's March and you still have 20 programs to hear from, that feels insane. Are a lot of them typically mid to late March notifiers? Edit: Also, can I DM to chat about your thoughts on NAU so far? If it's my only offer, I'm going but as stated earlier, I'm kind of sad about the only online lit classes. Also, it's totally fine if not! No pressure
  8. That's okay, thank you I appreciate it. I'm grateful to have both an MFA to drag them to and a partner, but it does come with its own set of complications lol I hope that you end up somewhere you love and that your partner can find joy in it too! Yeah, I think of the ones I applied to, UNLV is the most competitive. Not that it's impossible for either of us to get in, but I'm tempering my expectations. Are you a fiction or nonfiction applicant this year? Thank you I appreciate it ❤️ They didn't sign the April 15th resolution so the person who has the funding offer now has until next week to respond which makes me sad for them because that's stressful, but a little relieved that I will know sooner.
  9. So in my heart I'm waiting for Wyoming and UNLV, but my partner is begging me to please not make us move to Wyoming and isn't a big fan of Las Vegas. NAU's program is really lovely but their lit classes are moving online next year and that really bums me out, as my undergrad was focused more on literary criticism and I'd love to do more but am not a fan of online classes. Discussion posts haunt me. UNLV feels out of my reach tbh, and I'm just really rooting for CSU to fund me. I've told them they're my top choice and if they give me the GTA I'm there no questions asked. I'm grateful to have a funded offer no matter what, but my heart still holds on to CSU. Edit: Also, I wanna reach out to faculty to ask questions about the program to express my continued interest but I've read the handbook and everything on the website over and over and over and I have zero questions, they've all been answered.
  10. Oh my god that’s so sweet 😭 my fingers are crossed for funding at CSU which ALSO does the 5x5 and if I’m at one of those schools, I’ll walk around asking people which sad balding man they like best lol I’d encourage you to ask about your standing for funding and if there’s any info in the meantime! Eek I’m so excited for you!
  11. Oh my god congratulations!!! I hope that you get in with funding!!!! Damn these acceptances with waitlisted fundings but I’m rooting for you! Do you know where you are on the funding waitlist? I’ve got my fingers crossed for you!! ❤️ omg no need to apologize, my reluctance in the congrats is because of the funding concern you expressed and then referred back to
  12. Historically, CU Boulder sends out automated notifications all at once or on one day. Then, last year, they sent out waitlists and rejections 2 weeks later. So I assume if we did not get the acceptance email, that we're not accepted. But a waitlist is still possible!
  13. Oh my god I know it's been sooo slow. CU Boulder acceptances came out and I think my win streak is over, which is more than fair lol I'm feeling antsy for news and am alarmed at how quiet it's been
  14. You're in?? How's the funding looking? Congratulations!(?)
  15. CU boulder fiction acceptance just dropped in draft
  16. I only looked up schools I’ve applied to (UNLV, Boulder, Wyoming) and Boulder goes in break Next week and the others go on break end of March. This is one instance where the Google AI is actually helpful in that it just pulls up the schools current academic calendars. Hopefully this isn’t a silent, torturous week
  17. No need to apologize! This is a safe space to work through the many feelings of MFA apps Regardless, I hope things work out for the best for you! ❤️
  18. I imagine that must be the case, and from what that post on the draft says, I think it is. What I've appreciated during this experience is everyone's willingness to discuss finances candidly. I don't know your life and I can't tell you one way or the other. I started the application season being ready to take on some debt, but my former professor who's been my advisor through this has greatly urged me to not take on debt for this degree and to go for the best funding package. Also, if it takes a second round, that's okay too! I know it's hard staring at the wall of rejections and if you need to take some time to lick your wounds, that's fine too. This is my second round applying and a lot of people take several rounds.
  19. That's my fear with it too! I'm an optimist but not enough to take on student debt for a creative writing degree. I too love CU Boulder, from the faculty to the location, and I've heard that Stephen Graham Jones is a great workshop leader and teacher! But omg what a nightmare to be halfway through and suddenly have the funding rug pulled from under you. Applying to mostly programs that only fund some students has made me gamble and I'll be hurt if I have to turn down a dream program because I didn't get funding but it's all about stacking those odds, ya know? I'm crossing my fingers for good news for both of us!
  20. Alrighty y'all, we're officially in free game territory I think! These next 2-3 weeks should be a landslide. I know I keep saying that every few weeks but it's gotta be true at some point lol I'm a little confused on Boulder's funding deal, as I've read on the Draft that they are technically fully funded through a mishmash of grants, scholarships, fellowships, and GTA positions, but I'm unsure how this actually shakes out for the program. Those of y'all that are also applying to Boulder, what do you think/how are you feeling about that?
  21. Well I wouldn’t be so sure to count yourself out! Calls might be happening over several days, and waitlists come later via email so you’re not out til you’re out!
  22. UC Riverside fiction acceptance on draft I believe it was @KennyK who was asking about them? I’m on mobile so it’s harder to check back and I’m sorry if it wasn’t you edit to add: notif via phone call today
  25. I just got offered a fellowship at Naropa!!!!!! OMGGGGG
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