Made an account because I'm too full of anticipation to just lurk anymore.
Hi! This is my second round of apps, I first applied for 2022 straight out of undergrad and got all rejections and one waitlist. My SOP was kind of trash looking back on it and I've fine tuned my writing sample, though I still used pieces I workshopped in college. Few of my pieces feel like they're as polished as those because they haven't been workshopped, though I revised them substantially.
Anyway, hi all. All the schools I applied to (only 5 this cycle, I want to live in a specific part of the country and really did my research this time) typically get back to people Feb-March yet I have the draft sheet open on my work computer all day and both the forum and the Draft open as well.
On the bright side, I too want to join what will become a past thread for someone else to anxiously scroll through in the future as they anticipate responses from schools. :)