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everything bagel lover

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Everything posted by everything bagel lover

  1. For UC Riverside?? I hope so!!! ❤️ I've got my fingers crossed for good news for you! Yay Congratulations!!!!
  2. March is on her way! What schools are y'all waiting on that typically notify in March? I'm waiting on CU Boulder, Wyoming, and UNLV, all of which tend to notify late Feb to mid March. Also, is anyone else else bringing along a partner/pet/dependant with you? How has that impacted your decision making process? My partner's happiness with the location has been integral to where I've applied to. I'm also less stoked about UNLV because it'll be hard to find arrangements for my dog during the study abroad component, even though that's an aspect that really excited me when applying.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That’s so exciting!!
  4. Eek I hope you get good news from your waitlists soon!! The uncertainty is so stressful
  5. Thank you 😭🕯️ I'm trying to cash in all my good luck
  6. CSU funding update: The GTA offers have been sent to fiction applicants (there's only 2 GTAs available for the incoming class) and one has been accepted. I'm waitlisted and the other fiction applicant has 2 weeks to decline or accept and I'm SWEATING.
  7. I kinda feel like this whole week has been quiet, at least compared to what I was expecting. I hope today things shake up, but patient we must be.
  8. Good morning! I not only dreamt that I got two different CSU funding responses (one where I got it, one where I was 3rd in line for funding) but also that I typed my responses into the forum, but everytime I hit post, they were nonsense that I had to keep editing. @tiramisu22 It does look like WVU fiction waitlists have been logged on the draft Edit to respond to @Prosaic Ioniser: I work as a secondary teacher and the biggest thing I've learned between my first round and now is that I have to learn to prioritize writing. It helps to have a partner who is willing to pick up more of the domestic labor when I'm engrossed in a project. A coworker who got her MFA from Brown told me if she doesn't quit teaching, she'll never write another novel, and then she told me that I needed to learn how to write outside of academia. I've really taken her advice to heart and have been intentional about making time for writing and reading when I can't bring myself to write. It's been really really impactful on my writing, even if I'm not as prolific as I was in my undergrad.
  9. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the both of us!! I think since you’ve made it to round two, it seems like your chances could be good!
  10. I feel the same way! I’ve been in such a state of stress and anxiety for months at this point that even though I have a funded offer (that I’m so grateful for) I’m still overwhelmed and stressed. I’m still biting my nails and on the draft all the time and idk when the stress will subside. Maybe when I commit? Maybe first day of classes? Maybe when I get my literal degree? Who knows
  11. I’m sorry you’re feeling so stressed and uncertain I hope that good news is coming down the pipe for you! If I get funding at CSU, which I’ll know in a few weeks, that’s where I’m going! It’s my favorite program that I’ve applied to and a location my partner likes. I’ve read the MFA handbook for CSU at least 4 times throughout this application process lol I’m still on edge because funding is TBD and I think I’d be kind of crushed to not be able to go to CSU but I’m holding out hope and am happy with other choices I have! NAU is my second choice and we’ll see how CU boulder shakes out, that might replace NAU as my #2 spot once I learn more (if I’m even accepted)
  12. Amazing!!! Congratulations!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you’re celebrating and being celebrated for such a streak of fantastic news!!!
  13. Holy shit that's actually amazing!! Congrats on your super cool rejection! ❤️
  14. Thank you oh my god!!!! And congrats pananoprodigy!!!! Oh my god I'm gonna pass out I'm so excited
  16. Will do! Omg me too, everytime I see something from Nevada, my heart stops.
  17. Based on data from last year, I think it's likely! Last year, they sent out acceptances and waitlists on 2/28
  18. I love baseless speculation! I think Wyoming could maybeeee come out this week, NWP, Iowa, NC State, UNLV could jumpscare us at any moment, and U of Oregon. Edit: Although, I feel that we're entering wild west territory since March will bring the onslaught of notifications. Wyoming says that they aim to have everything out by March 15th.
  19. Good morning, you freaks ❤️ It feels like we're a third, if not half of the way through notification season. How are y'all feeling? I got so overwhelmed with stress yesterday I cried but then I felt better, so if you need to cry it out, cry it out.
  20. Sorry friend still other programs on the horizon tho! Also, congrats to @programedlove333 & @beet_root on the interviews!!! I hope they go well! ❤️
  21. Congratulations!! Thank you I appreciate it, I’m really hoping it comes through!
  22. I got accepted to CSU last Wednesday and was told that GTA info would come in the next few weeks. When you were accepted, did they also give you a GTA? They don't fund everyone which is stressful. I know that another person accepted into fiction on Wednesday put funding tbd in their draft notif as well. Edit to add: Also, 12 accepted students total? I was told that there are 5 accepted fiction students, so I guess that would put them at 5 fiction, 4 cnf, 3 poetry?
  23. My first acceptance call was about 30 minutes and he gave me a BUNCH of information that I wrote down and it was generally very nice and I maybe screamed when he said I was in, but he said he likes doing the acceptance calls because of the excitement. My second one was about 2-3 minutes long, very brief and very kind, she expressed a lot of enthusiasm and said that an email would follow with information. Definitely good to express gratitude and interest! The only question I really asked was "Are you my contact person going forward in this process?"
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