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everything bagel lover

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Everything posted by everything bagel lover

  1. It's a stressful times and all of our data sets are weird, incomplete, and subject to error so it's totally understandable! I'm glad that this one lead to a more optimistic outcome tho!
  2. I saw that too and it's a waitlist for the University of Arizona so I don't think any ASU waitlists have been logged I looked up ASU and I think it might have been for PhD? Regardless, there is still hope yet as no fiction notifs seem to have gone out or at least logged on the forum or draft!
  3. Sorry, where do you see the ASU waitlist? An ASU poetry acceptance is in draft spreadsheet (congrats to mismanaged funds btw!) but I don't see anything for fiction in the draft or forum results page, but I could totally be missing something
  4. The first time I applied, I didn't know about the draft or forum until I was waitlisted somewhere, which was my second to last notif and so I spent February through March in a state of ignorant bliss of all the other notifs going out. I miss that period of innocence. It's easy to feel disheartened seeing others get in and especially to multiple places, but that doesn't mean this is for nothing! As many people have said, the path of a writer is full of rejection and these are really really competitive programs. I also agree with Zaira that you should let yourself feel it. It sucks ass. But this isn't the end all be all ❤️
  5. I agree, it's easy to be disheartened but it is early yet!!
  6. I think honestly, my apps this round could have been better. I read work from faculty of my top choices before applying and singled out faculty that I wanted to work with which I neglected to do last time. In some SOP's I put this, in some I didn't. Idk how that choice will pan out tbh. I applied to less prestigious programs and most are not guaranteed full funding, and are less popular because of that. Almost all offer funding to most, if not some, students admitted and I'm just hoping that the applicant pool is small enough to bump my chances of funding up. I have a background in teaching so I'm hoping that I'm a strong GTA candidate if they like my work enough to admit me. I'm kind of just hedging my bets. I waited a couple of years between applying because I wasn't sure how to proceed. I rewrote my SOP entirely, as my last one was pretty bad tbh. I did reuse stories from my previous cycle but they're significantly revised. One has been published so it felt safe to keep in. I'm not sure how I feel rn about my writing sample, as I've said before. In between cycles, I worked more on longer pieces of work and weird shit that hasn't been workshopped so none of my recent work feels strong enough to put in an application. Who knows if any of this will be fruitful. I'm also feeling pessimistic but making a plan to start drafting a new novel in earnest if I don't get in anywhere. Edit: Although I applied for, on paper, less prestigious schools, I'm genuinely excited by all of the programs and would be delighted to get in to any of them. I think more so last time I applied almost exclusively based on reputation and didn't do as much research into the programs as I should have. I also applied to some prestigious ones this time that I'm not really expecting to get in to.
  7. Same oh my god. Tyler Bender has been my go to during these times. Her youtube channel is a delight if you like girly pop internet content
  8. Good morning my neurotic doves! Anyone else totally doubting their writing sample at this point? To a couple of last minute schools, I swapped a story for one that was a little weirder but not as polished (it hasn't been workshopped) and I'm wishing that I had both sent it out to more schools and had more time to really make it the best it could be. I know there's nothing to be done now but the silence and probable soft rejection from CSU has me feeling a lot of doubt. Also omg congratulations AyvaM!!!!!!!!! That's so amazing!!!
  9. omg you're right, I saw someone else say they were manifesting UWY and so I tossed it back on my list for this week UNLV has a 1/15 deadline and historically has sent out noticed pretty early given that (I maybe have gone into the Wayback machine to compare previous deadlines with previous acceptance notifs)
  10. Hoping from good news from UNLV and UWY this week! Maybe even a shot in the dark hope that CSU is spreading out their fiction notifs but I don't think that's the case tbh
  11. Congratulations of your waitlist @pananoprodigy!!!! I normally don’t get on the forum much on weekends BUT I saw that CSU sent out their first fiction acceptance. Congratulations to that person if they’re here!!! Historically speaking, it looks like CSU spreads out their notifs like crazy? I’m officially freaking out regardless.
  12. Congratulations!!!!!!!! Also, a great message!
  13. Indiana Bloomington Poetry acceptance just dropped in the draft. 4 poets accepted.
  14. I literally had a dream last night that people from a school I applied to met with me at a diner to offer me admission lol UNLV's first acceptance and CSU's first rejection were both on 2/8 last year and it has me on edge. What mostly is driving me crazy is that it could be anytime between right this very moment and a month and change from now.
  15. In my experience, programs that don't have a grace period will usually notify you. A few programs I applied to said they wouldn't review applications until all materials were in and the deadline for recommenders was explicitly also the deadline for the application. They all notified me of this when my recommendations were missing but the deadline was approaching. All of that to say that I think it'll be fine!
  16. Syracuse poetry waitlist just dropped on draft, cohort is 6 waitlist is 20 👀
  17. No I'm endeared by it lol and also you're correct, I'm just feeling impatient. Naropa said they don't start reviewing apps until Feb 1st, so I imagine it'll be a while there as well. It's also just exciting to see other people get results! My partner is like "why are you telling me about schools you didn't apply to?" I hope you get some good news either this week or next!! Yeah, it looks like starting last week of Feb it'll be a flurry of notifs which is exciting and stressful.
  18. You're a beacon of logic, Prufrock :,( Are any of your schools early Feb notifiers?
  19. According to draft sheet from 2024, this day last year, UWY sent out its first fiction rejection, and JHU sent out their first poetry acceptances. I'm on high alert and I know logically that this means nothing for this year's timeline. I've been guilty of some magical thinking lately and trying to statistics my way into optimism about incoming results (I don't actually understand statistics).
  20. Congratulations!!!!!! That's amazing!!
  21. Per their FAQ: We typically receive between 360 and 400 applications for 10-14 spots across three genres (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry).
  22. This is so funny and a great use of code lol Congrats hideonbush! Hoping for good news for others soon too! ❤️
  23. Yeah I wanted to live in a particular part of the country lol Fiction! What about you? That's exciting, those are good programs too! I've been reading George Saunders' book "A Swim in a Pond in the Rain" and he talks about incoming cohorts of MFA students at Syracuse and kind of how his classes can be. It's a really good book and his classes seem incredible. I'm not built for update NY winters tho lol
  24. Yeah, I applied to CSU, CU Boulder, Naropa, UNLV, NAU, and UWY. What about you? Thanks! I'm wishing you the best of luck too!
  25. I'm going insane with anticipation and I'm trying to give myself other things to look forward to but I just need to know. I'm flipping between manifesting good results and trying to remain truly neutral. My first round I was falsely confident that I would get in somewhere (mostly because my professor said there's no way I wouldn't get in somewhere like c'mon dude why would you lie like that) and that wasn't the case, so I'm tempering my expectations this time. Regardless, it's safe to say that I'm obsessive and god bless this forum for being my neurotic safe space ❤️
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