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Everything posted by lechatgris

  1. turned down U of Oregon--that one hurt a lot, but I feel really good about my choice!
  2. Turned down funded offers from Miami U and Texas A&M (both ph.d. lit.); took myself off the waitlist at LSU. Good luck, all!
  3. It was me--I'll likely accept, but I've got a few things to figure out.
  4. Tweed--you might like to email Cynthia Ocken and ask whether any of the grad reps will be around and willing to chat. It's spring break, so there's a chance they'll be away, but it's worth a try. Plus, they might have the power to get the department to pay for lunch! I'd play tour guide, but I'll be away visiting another college. Definitely take time to stroll around the Pearl St. Mall (about a mile north west of campus--down the big hill). It's lovely when the undergrads are gone because you can generally walk into a cafe and actually get a table. Trident Bookstore+cafe (Pearl and 9th--on Pearl walk west, toward the foothills) has great coffee and amazing tea. Don't stop for the Green Peace, etc., people or you'll never get anywhere (they're usually pretty thick on the hill--the west edge of campus--as well). I usually put in my headphones (even if I turn them off) and they leave me be. Bring layers--the weather coming up is iffy (as spring usually is). It could rain or snow. It's usually windy, but yesterday the foothills nearly got up to 70 degrees.
  5. M.A. or Ph.D.? I live near the university and I've heard nothing yet (sidenote: I'm pretty sure my mailman is insane. Sometimes he swings by in the morning, sometimes in the evening, and occasionally with mail that actually belongs to me). EDIT: nevermind, I see now that you wrote "M.A." How strange that they decided M.A.s before Ph.D.s. That being said, most of the people who did the M.A. there with me got in off the waitlist--hang in there!
  6. I did my M.A. there and I think, a few years ago, we started with about 15.
  7. spring fresh
  8. tiger balm
  9. I'm reading GradCafe, rather than the 80+ first year comp. papers I ought to be perusing.
  10. Thanks--I envy your Vandy waitlist . . .
  11. dump truck
  12. texas toast
  13. gotta bump this because the man is hosting the oscars!
  14. wrong again
  15. red light
  16. soup bowl
  17. pool cue
  18. cheese wheel
  19. underwater camera
  20. man cave
  21. chin up
  22. banana boat
  23. life boat
  24. 19th-C. novel
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