I was just thinking today how productive I've actually been during this wait--not with many important tasks, mind, because my focus is totally shot. Nonetheless, I feel better by saying that, since I've finished my apps, I have:
1) traveled halfway across the country and back
2) graded 63 comp. essays
3) re-read all the Harry Potter books in English, and the first 2 in French ("Poudlard," anyone?)
4) re-read all the Georgia books by Louise Rennison (YA junk--but hilarious and distracting)
5) submitted an article for publication (no word back on that yet)
6) taught my dog to dance for his food
7) lost 7 soccer games
8) read 4 issues of Cosmo, 4 issues of Glamour, 4 issues of National Geographic, and 1 issues of Popular Science (my husband's suggesstion--pass)
9) written 3 letters to my 8-year-old pen-pal
10) watched 3 Corgi tetherball games (YouTube, trust me)
11) baked chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, gingerbread cookies, and doggie cookies
12) drank 2 bottles of whiskey, 7 bottles of wine, and countless beers (with help!)
13) re-watched every episode of Blackadder, Gilmore Girls, and Bones
14) painted my toenails red, then purple, then green
Very few of those things were actually on my to-do list, but I'm counting every second not spent with my head under the covers as a triumph.