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Everything posted by lechatgris

  1. square dance
  2. "> Ollie!
  3. Hecuba looks like my dog's twin [insert X-Files theme-song] . . .
  4. fool's gold
  5. super eight
  6. midnight blue
  7. mouse trap
  8. brat pack
  9. low brow
  10. over easy
  11. Well, this is probably way too creeper-y, but last year they started informing acceptances on 2/12, which was the 2nd Friday of Feb. I assume that the date is contingent upon a final faculty meeting, but they don't list this info on their dept. calendar where all the riff-raff can see it (hmpf! do they think we're going to stalk them or something? oh, wait . . .). If they're on a similar timeline, though, I imagine notices will probably go out next week, most likely Monday (if they met yesterday, but went to happy hour instead of calling applicants), or Friday if they still have to chat a bit. Or they could be way behind because of all the snow days Virginia has had over the last 2 weeks ( I have friends in the public school system in VA and they are seriously going to be in school until July at this rate).
  12. ham bone
  13. French press!
  14. sun dress
  15. bag lady
  16. fair enough
  17. I think a simple picture of the dean with either a thumbs up or thumbs down would suffice for me. Alas, if only Mel Brooks were the king of academia . . .
  18. dead head
  19. golden opportunity
  20. business letter
  21. cover up
  22. I'm making a serious dent in Elizabeth Peters' Amelia Peabody mysteries--and there are a ton of them!
  23. good luck!
  24. I was just thinking today how productive I've actually been during this wait--not with many important tasks, mind, because my focus is totally shot. Nonetheless, I feel better by saying that, since I've finished my apps, I have: 1) traveled halfway across the country and back 2) graded 63 comp. essays 3) re-read all the Harry Potter books in English, and the first 2 in French ("Poudlard," anyone?) 4) re-read all the Georgia books by Louise Rennison (YA junk--but hilarious and distracting) 5) submitted an article for publication (no word back on that yet) 6) taught my dog to dance for his food 7) lost 7 soccer games 8) read 4 issues of Cosmo, 4 issues of Glamour, 4 issues of National Geographic, and 1 issues of Popular Science (my husband's suggesstion--pass) 9) written 3 letters to my 8-year-old pen-pal 10) watched 3 Corgi tetherball games (YouTube, trust me) 11) baked chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, gingerbread cookies, and doggie cookies 12) drank 2 bottles of whiskey, 7 bottles of wine, and countless beers (with help!) 13) re-watched every episode of Blackadder, Gilmore Girls, and Bones 14) painted my toenails red, then purple, then green Very few of those things were actually on my to-do list, but I'm counting every second not spent with my head under the covers as a triumph.
  25. Patty Mayonnaise
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