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Status Updates posted by cogscipixie

  1. Interview went well. I will be hearing back from them this week :) EEK

  2. Ughhhh. Purdue cannot offer me funding at this time for the Ed Psych PhD program due to severe budget cuts. Not the way I wanted to go into my first interview weekend for another program.

    1. eklavya


      that totally sucks! but sit tight - pretty sure you will get offers with full funding soon!

  3. leaving for first interview tomorrow! Hope I don't get lost driving there.

  4. official date set for my U of Kentucky visit. Interviewing with my potential advisor separately from the other candidate weekend frees up a lot more of my schedule.

    1. imwright


      I also have an official date set but for my Iowa University visit. I was given a few different flight times and days, so I think it will be just me. From what I take of it, I will be interviewed by potential advisor and then I get to visit with the rest of the department and some of the current graduate students. I am looking forward to it and I cannot wait! And of course, congrats on yours! (By chance, when is yours?)

  5. got accepted into Purdue's Ed Psych PhD program. So out of the blue, but definitely made my week!

  6. Hi Meagan! :) Hope you're loving Madison and glad to see some former Britons on gradcafe. Keep in touch!


  7. trembling a bit since my department/program I am currently employed at is releasing interview offers right at this moment...my email inbox is blank. :/

    1. Matba


      I think I'm in the same boat, although I haven't seen anyone comment about interviews invitation yet. My division chief wrote to the program director personally, yet no emails. Shame, we slave away for them...they should at least interview us!

    2. cogscipixie


      Agreed! I've loved the interaction I've had within the dept and with the faculty (I'm a full time lab coordinator/research associate), and it will just be a little awkward if I don't get at least an interview.

  8. heard back from 1st school and it's an interview! Let the interview season commence!

    1. newms


      Congrats! All the best for the interview.

    2. imwright


      Same! The University of Iowa would like to fly me out for an official interview. Very exciting! Of course everything has to be counterbalanced: I received my first rejection from the University of Virginia (but there weren't any high hopes there). Best of luck as results continue to creep on in!

      Ps. I see there is still no word from Pitt on your end either?

  9. is stressed beyond all reason.

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