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Everything posted by Clarrien

  1. I think some people will have declined the Vanier - I also considered declining as I was thinking of changing institutions. Fingers crossed some people get good news soon! I was logging on here to see if any of the successful Vanier applicants have received any information about when the public announcement will be.
  2. Mattbound - I guess give it until the ~24th and then call NSERC. They ask everyone to reply on the PGS/CGS results by May 1st, so they will tell you by phone I think at some point if you don't get the letter.
  3. Your department should definitely not be making an announcement at this point. Call the Vanier office directly - they answer the phones. Ask them to send you an email you can pass along to your department. Of course we all tell family and supervisors, my whole department basically knows by now (my supervisors were pretty excited!) but they also know not make any public announcement. CONGRATS!
  4. Also so hard to believe! What on earth does it take to get a PDF in this country??
  5. Seriously! This will be me when I apply for the PDF... not looking hopeful. Sorry, seebee. This sucks bigtime.
  6. Another letter confirmation - my parents got my PGSD letter on Vancouver Island yesterday - so letters are indeed out west.
  7. If it works like NSERC, then the Vanier competition is totally separate from the CGS/PGS application... so if someone is offered a Vanier CIHR, they may or may not be offered a CIHR PGS...
  8. Well, I guess this forum is dead now! Congrats to all Vanier winners and good luck in the future to everyone! See you when we all apply for PDF!
  9. Hmm, to transfer or not to transfer! Good question! You're way ahead on publications that I am, I need to get busy (i.e. get off this forum). When I applied for Vanier/NSERC I had 2 co-author pubs, lots of conferences, and indicated I was working on 2 first author and 2 co-author pubs, still haven't submitted any of them yet, how is this possible!! But, I stressed the collaborative nature of the projects, with government and international scientists; I broke my leadership into university, academic and community service as I am strong in all three. I think my research proposal was quite strong, and really built on my previous research experience... and I had really good reference letters I think.... and I was 100% sure that I devoted everything I had to that application, every word carefully selected, so much revising etc. I don't know what tipped the scale, but I think I convinced them I have research leadership potential, not just research and leadership separately. Who knows, since they don't give us feedback, which is really too bad.
  10. Congrats biograd7! First CGSD on the forum I think! How far into your PhD are you - or not started? Can you share your publications? I know they aren't everything, but curious what a biol CGSD awardee has for pubs. Thanks!
  11. Good luck with everything Vivaldi! Nice to be in the forum with you!
  12. [/quot Who isn't interested in Entomologists! I will come for the beer too.
  13. Congrats on the PGS!!
  14. Eliasg, you have to let us know the result tomorrow! I am crossing my fingers for you!
  15. Congrats, anthgrad!! We are very very lucky, the competition was very tough I think, so many very qualified applicants.
  16. I'm not surprised actually - I think it is because of the weighting of the categories. Research is more heavily weighted for PGS/CGS D than Vanier, and I am weaker in research than leadership. I had no first author publications accepted at the time of application, only 2 with co-authors, and some collaborations with government and international researchers, but my manuscripts are just on their way now. I think if I had been applying a year later, I would have gotten CGS instead.
  17. PGS-D in British Columbia. I think I'll turn it down for the Vanier offer I got this morning... what do you guys think
  18. Congrats, Pacific! Come on, tell us your school!
  19. Hey everyone - remember the Alexss guy (whatever his name on here was, I forget exactly) - he responded to my tweet via email today, and said he had in fact been upgraded from a PGS to CGS, like we thought. Just to clear up that old unsolved mystery.
  20. Maybe one person will turn it down and you will get it... fingers crossed!
  21. Way to go lsaunder! Awesome!!! You beat me
  22. Oh, no! Really too bad eliasg!
  23. Oh no! Vivaldi and elisg, I'm so sorry!
  24. Guys I didn't get an email but in ResearchNet things have changed... just trying to figure out if there is a decision... fingers crossed!
  25. http://www.vanier.gc.ca/eng/selection_criteria-criteres_de_selection.aspx Nominees will be evaluated and selected based on the following three criteria, which will be weighted equally by the selection committees. Academic excellence, as demonstrated by past academic results and by transcripts, awards and distinctions. Research potential,as demonstrated by the candidate’s research history, his/her interest in discovery, the proposed research and its potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the field, the potential benefit to Canadians, and any anticipated outcomes. Leadership (potential and demonstrated ability), as defined by the following qualities: (Listed on the URL i gave above)
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