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Everything posted by crae

  1. Congratulations, Oulou! That's absolutely wonderful and inspiring. :-)
  2. I honestly don't think anybody needs to be hopeless. Even if someone doesn't get in the first or second rounds, time, thought, reading, and gained maturity change the game entirely in subsequent years. Going through the rejection process itself is part of academia, since (of course you're right) the job market is so terrible - even the best of the best get rejected sometimes. Still, there's no chance of getting a TT job (or any professorial job) without trying, and eventually most people do end up with jobs, although not necessarily TT. I don't know how we could avoid knowing about the problems with the academic job market, which means that if we're pursuing this track anyway, we're willing to take our chances. I, for one, have lived a "safe" life since getting my M.A., and it's not any nobler than trying for what I really want, despite the risks. And if it doesn't work out job-wise, at least I got to spend five years doing something fantastically fulfilling. That's a precious gift. Plus, the idea that law school is the magic route to prosperity seems specious - I know people with law degrees who are having a terrible time trying to support themselves.
  3. I was surprised to receive an announcement via snail mail today that I'm waitlisted. I thought they were basically done notifying.
  4. Agreed! I just canceled a longer post about my personal experiences because I didn't want to sound lecture-y. But I'm also 28 and this is my second round of PhD apps. To me, it seems like you guys have tons of time to work it out. Basically I'm trying to encourage you not to give up just yet. Not only are you young compared to many PhD applicants, you've also only heard from (not even) half of your schools. You may just get in this year! :-)
  5. Hello, Hellowhat'snew! :-) My focus is Early Modern gender/sexuality/medicine.
  6. All of that is great to know; thank you! Being in a congenial place is really important to me, so it makes me happy that Davis is friendly. Good luck to you. :-)
  7. Thanks again, ElectedSilence. I've been checking out the areas you suggested before, and I will definitely be scrounging for roommates among other first-years (which is partly why I started this thread). :-)
  8. Congrats to those accepted! I was one of the rejects. It looks like a great program.
  9. Thanks so much for the response and feedback! Good luck to your husband at his interview. :-)
  10. That's a mouthful! :-) Cool, keep me posted on what you end up doing and if you're at Davis we can meet up. Good luck in the meantime!
  11. Unfortunately, our visiting days are March 31-April 1. If you do end up attending, though, we should be friends! :-) I'm studying early modern literature through the perspective of humoral theory/gender. What are your research interests?
  12. You guys inspired me! Here's my adaptation of Sonnet 35, dedicated to the schools who haven't replied: Thou shouldst be griev'd at that which thou hast done - like a geriatric cow, chewing on its cud, thou hast delayed decisions, taken away the fun. If I be not impatient, thou mayst call me mud. All (wo)men make faults, but not I in this - I do not authorize thy trespass with compare. Other schools have replied - what is amiss? We here on Gradcafe are tearing out our hair. Nigh three months ago our apps were sent. What the fuck? Shouldst we obtain an advocate? Alas, 'gainst ourselves the lawful pleas commence: Are we good enough? Do we need a survival kit? (Read: Glenfiddich, Jack Daniel's, and Chianti - more or less, depending on the answers, as need be.)
  13. Oh my god. I know these poems are depressing, but they are also completely hilarious. This is awesome.
  14. Congrats to you too! I'm 96.5% sure I'm going to UCD. What about you? The only reservations I have are regarding living arrangements. There are far too many $500-$600 rooms for rent in family homes - with the families still living there, that is (where I come from, that will get you a decent one-bedroom). My stipend is rather small comparatively, so I can tell it's going to be an annoying chore to find housing. What are your other options? What do you think about Davis?
  15. I second that. So many schools haven't even begun notifying yet. You never know what's going to happen!
  16. LOL!! Oh my lord, I am nowhere near as clever as you two, so I'll just say thanks for that.
  17. Hello! I'd like to talk to other acceptees. Are you out there?
  18. Haha, thanks. Don't be sad yet. It's not over til it's over.
  19. Same here - when I saw that others were getting responses, I checked the website. "Denied," it says, tersely and in bold font.
  20. I, too, bit the dust. Congratulations to those admitted! :-)
  21. I got in, but I'm fairly positive I'll decline. . . . not because of the program or anything (in fact, they've been lovely there). It really seems like an awesome place.
  22. If you log into MyWisc, the emails should be copied there for your perusal. I'm getting a little anxious to hear from them.
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