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Everything posted by missashley

  1. i completely concur with the above statement. I was admitted to both, and felt that TC was impersonal, inattentive and static, whereas Harvard was warm, inviting, and enthusiastic about change (and their students) Of course, see the schools for yourself and form your own opinion, that was just my personal experience/feeling.
  2. I went - and i loved it. I learned a lot and got to see some of the dorms.. my department was fantastic and everyone was warm and friendly. i didn't want to come back:) if you have any specific questions, i would be happy to do my best to answer them, based on my tours and meetings around campus last week.
  3. Hey buddy! i am going to feel like such an internet dork when we meet each other at the AIE open house on friday. how weird that these worlds are merging - from stressed out hopefuls to members of the same cohort (maybe?). I have gotten all of my info in the mail, including fin aid, which was a huge relief. So... yeah. I will see you on Friday. My flight is super early tomorrow morning and i still haven't started packing... or decided what to wear to this thing ashley
  4. Ah yes! Well, congratulations and good luck. I am so excited about finally meeting these people on friday. And now that my award letter came and I know I can attend, the trip will be that much better
  5. MA Arts Admin, but my decision came so late that I don't think I will get funding info in time - that is, before the deadline to commit to hgse. I have had the hardest time getting any assistance at all with anything form the administrative staff at tc, that it has really made me reconsider whether i should seek a degree in "arts ADMINISTRATION" from them at all
  6. hey, thanks internet friends! i was hoping that i could put that in a way that didn't come across too annoyingly. something else to consider about big name schools, that i have just recently learned - is that it can work against you very fast for example, my friends at work all know where i am enrolling, so now every time i do anything even halfway absent-minded, they all say "oh, look at the harvard grad student who doesn't even know how to work the scanner." i never got that when i went to st. edward's. sigh.
  7. I went to a small school that nobody outside of town has heard of- a school that I loved and a community in which I was challenged and nurtured. I transferred there from a large well-known university for personal reasons, and part of me regrets that my u/g degree is not from the school where I started. In a way, an "unknown" school can be great. In my case, it meant smaller classes, closer contact with profs (i got great recs), and a greater ability to shine academically. I think that a big name means a lot to certain people for one reason or another, but has very little to do with the quality of education that you receive - i believe that you get out what you put in. that being said, i feel validated in a way, to be enrolling at a school in the fall that my out-of-state relatives have at least heard of.
  8. I still have recieved no official word of acceptance or award letter.this is annoying.
  9. I am.. for HGSE. Are you in the Ed school too? I am looking forward to it, but i definitely have butterflies... coming in from Texas, and I haven't been to Cambridge in ages. the b&b that they recommended had cheap rooms and looked really cute so i reserved a room... are you staying nearby?
  10. I just got accepted to the Arts Admin MA. actually, it was an email from the dean - I had emailed the day before to ask about decisions (the staff had told me "maybe april maybe by summer," and I wrote to ask her if it would be available before commit dates to other schools. she wrote back right away) phew
  11. Is anyone going to the GSE open house in April? Or to the off campus events?
  12. This week they (TC arts admin) told me that they don't know if they will have sent out any or all of their letters by April 15th even, they said there is no way to know for sure. I know that i am the only one who is looking at that program, but if certain parts of the school aren't even trying to get decisions out by then, it could bode poorly for others.
  13. I called today to check on the decision dates for arts admin, and was told "we're kinda on rolling admissions" which is not true. they previously said that the final decision day would be the 15th. He then told me I would hear "within the next week or two" if i hadn't already gotten into my first choice, this kind of nonsense would reeeeally make me want to withdraw my app. grrrrrr...
  14. Did anyone else's letter say this? Within two weeks, we will send you a packet of admitted student information. It will include a statement of terms and conditions that must be satisfied before you will be permitted to matriculate. hmm.. i hope it's not "take 18 hours of multivariable calculus"
  15. Hey azimm85 I just sent you a private message - it was my first one and i am not sure it went through. you said you had a lot of arts experience - in what area? (mine is in theater, but i don't think I will try to limit my studies to just theater) ok, and everyone else - who has already updated their facebook education info? (i know i am a huge dork, but it felt pretty good)
  16. M.Ed. arts in ed. woo!
  17. Ha! i wrote in too soon! I'm in too - - unbelievable. Really. Arts in education (i think i am more excited about not having to wait until Monday than about getting in!)
  18. well, i guess this is it, at almost 5 cambridge time on friday. i cannot believe that they are maiking us wait over the weekend. i am going to be such a wreck by monday. sigh good luck all a
  19. Has anyone ever done this for job interviews? I recently applied for a job - for which i was over-qualified to say the least - that would run from may to august. The company with which i interviewed even paid to fly me to new york to meet them ($600 tickets) and put me up in a hotel. The interview went great, lasted about two hours, and they promised to call within two weeks. they wrote me to tell me that they were deciding, and then i didn't hear for a month and a half. i just wrote to check in, and they wrote back "we hired someone else, it was really tough, thanks for applying." Do you think it is whiny to write and ask what happened? they had essentially started training me during the interview... what do i say in the letter? grrrr....
  20. I just called my department (arts admin) after hours and learned via voice mail recording that the adcom will be in committee from today through friday and unavailable to answer any telephone calls. So, at least in one area of TC, there is still hope for admission. Phew ash
  21. i am waiting to hear from tc too -from arts admin. during my interview, i was told that decisions would be made within four to six weeks, and that, if I am admitted, I will hear from the program director via email first (before notification from the school or a status change, etc.). Unfortunately, this is only the 3rd week since then
  22. I am MEd Arts in Education - and I too almost had a heart attack when we got that newsletter the other day. so so unfair :x
  23. This is completely informal of course, but I have noticed that most of the people who e-mailed to check their status are rejected. I am basing that on the results postings that I read every day on this site - has anyone else noticed that almost any time someone writes "i emailed to find out" they are always rejected? Maybe there is a link... :?
  24. A question that I have had some success with on my arts-related interviews is asking the professor what books they like for their incoming students to have already read. good conversation starter, and shows your commitment to studying your craft beyond your capabilities of doing/performing. This might not apply to your specific MFA, but professors (ok lots of people) love to talk about favorite books and it doesn't hurt for them to start considering you as a student - and a good way for you to get a feel for the professor too.
  25. That makes me have the crazies again... funny how i will be flying back from my yale interview on friday. thank you times twenty, though, for that bit of info ashley
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