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Everything posted by Sheepi

  1. Thank you all for the advice. This is an incredibly helpful and encouraging post for me. Is there any way that I could get some of you to read some of my application materials after I've written them? It might take me a little while, but I figure what better way to give myself a better chance than to ask those who have been succesful?
  2. So when they say "broader impacts" (this seems to be the most vague part) are they looking for things such as community service done in the past related to the research, and planned service for the future? I don't really have a lot of teaching experience, so I don't know if I could write about that, but I have a ton of related community service and I assume that this fits. I just don't know if they are looking for fulfillment of all of the categories under broader impacts or a few.
  3. Thank you so much for this! This is incredibly helpful to me. I'm starting graduate school this fall, and I am starting to really think about applying for fellowships. However, I am incredibly nervous. I had a really rough time applying to graduate schools, and although I was accepted eventually, all of the rejection kind of made my self-esteem plummet, haha. I guess I have some questions for you, if you wouldn't mind answering! First, how did you create your research proposal? To enter graduate school for neuroscience, I didn't have to know what project I would be working on.. I just needed to know the general area that I was interested in. Did you work on this with your advisor, or is it something that you knew you wanted to do beforehand? I also noticed that NSF didn't take GRE scores for 2010-2011. Do you know why they decided not to take them? Thanks again for this post!
  4. I'll be going to UAB for neuroscience.. For my program, they have good funding and good facilities. I can't speak for CS, but I like the school and the people there. The city is okay.. I'm from a big city, so it's going to be a weird transition for me, but I spent a summer there and it wasn't so bad. Cost of living is low compared to where I live now. Actually, I am going to be buying myself a house after a few months living in temporary housing. They're reeeeeally cheap right now and I have a fiance who's dying to do handiwork, haha. I can't speak for GSU, though. This probably didn't help you at all, but UAB seems like a good school to me.
  5. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone can tell me how much my undergrad GPA will affect me in grad school. What is it important for, if anything? Will I need that to apply for grants or stuff like that, or does it just not matter anymore? Thanks!
  6. I'm going to grad school for neuroscience right out of undergrad. I'm still taking classes, but I start grad school in July. I was pretty intimidated during interviews because a lot of the people there has master's degrees or were a bit older than me.. But it worked out. I think they probably have an advantage because there is more that they can put on their application, but it worked for me.
  7. I got rejected by 5 schools in a row, lol. The first one wasn't so bad, but by the fifth one, I was ready to die. I have a 4.0, and I'm terrible with rejection because of it. I felt like all of my work as an undergrad meant nothing and that I had completely wasted my time. To feel better, I came here and was kinda glad to see the other rejections (sorry guys; misery loves company, lol). Granted, my GRE scores were poop and I pretty much applied only to top schools in my field, lol. Then the last letter was an acceptance and it was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. No decisions to make now.. I just have to go. I feel much better. X_x
  8. 26k per year is what the school I'm talking about quoted on the admissions webpage, paid over the year in bimonthly checks. I believe the first year is paid by the program and subsequent years by the advisor. Your school might not guarantee the amount of your yearly pay, so a monthly amount makes sense. Congrats on the acceptance! Don't mind me, I'm just trying to figure out how different schools and programs work, haha
  9. Curse my phone! Sorry for the double post, lol
  10. Your degree is Cognition and Neuroscience? I'm doing neuroscience, and all of the programs that I applied to promised full tuition wavers for 5 years plus ~26k stipends for 5 years.. Basically, everything is free. Is your degree much different in that way? It just seems weird to me.
  11. I was contacted by a prof after that. He made no mention of an interview date.. I have sent emails, but have received no replies yet.
  12. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything from Boston University's Neuroscience Grad Program regarding interview invitations/dates, or acceptances/rejections. I can't find any information at all regarding interviews on their webpage, so I feel a little like I'm in the dark.
  13. I thanked him on the phone.. I guess I could send him a thank you email, too.. I just don't want to be a nuisance. Maybe that would be a good way to contact him.
  14. He didn't say when decisions would go out, but I think that maybe the adcomm isn't done going through apps yet. I think he just liked my background. @Bonkers: I think I agree with you.. I just wanted to make sure. I didn't know if further contact would be expected from me or not.
  15. I recently heard from a POI at a program that is high on my priority list. The POI wanted to know about my research, etc., and at the end of the interview, he basically said "We'll see what happens." After the interview, I honestly felt the same way that I did before I was contacted (no idea of whether I would be accepted or not). That was maybe a week ago. I was wondering if it would be a good/bad idea to contact him and reiterate my interest in the program, or if I should just wait now to see if I am accepted or not. I don't want to be annoying, but I don't want to let this opportunity go if an e-mail will push some favor in my direction. If you are in the "yes, e-mail him" camp, what do you think I should say? I don't want to sound desperate.
  16. POI said "We'll see what happens." THANKS! Back to square one!
  17. "You have a 4.0, but your GRE scores are not very good.." Oh, wait, they actually called me to say that. =_=
  18. I would mention it, and explain to them that medication actually helped you. I come from a psych background, and if you were applying to a psych-related program, this might be easier for you, but I think it's something that I would try to work to my advantage (i.e., I overcame hardship and it all turned out well in the end).
  19. Garlic Breath
  20. I'm waiting to hear back from neuroscience programs, too.. I'M SO SCARED. D: /cry
  21. Person: So, what are you studying? Me: Neuroscience. Person: So, you study the brain. Are you going to be a neurologist? Me: No, I just want to do research in a lab. Person: You want to experiment on small, defenseless animals all day!??!?! Me: No? I want to cure your brain cancer. D:
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