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Status Updates posted by eco_env

  1. I hate asking for recommendation letters.

    1. antecedent


      Word. Several of my least comfortable moments in this whole process were LOR request related.

    2. Clou12


      Me too! I don't see how people apply for 10+ schools.

  2. after making 6 people write a total of 9 letters for me, i'd better get some kind of fellowship/scholarship.

    1. Pitangus


      Yes. I dread the idea of not being successful with grad apps/fellowships the first time around because I will feel so guilty asking people to write for me again...

  3. I feel ike an idiot every time I ask my advisor for help

  4. anyone else feel like your advisor is bi-polar?

  5. 42 hours to the deadline and only 1/4 letters is submitted. why do they do this to me?!

    1. eco_env


      now it's 21.5 and 2/4. I need at least 1 more letter to get my NSF app looked at.

  6. As far as my body is concerned, paper writing time=bed time. Coffee and music are useless against my lethargy.

  7. if other people can write the same paper that has been written a million times before why can't I?

  8. who says grad school is hard? I guess people who are doing it right.

  9. Are my ideas and writing just so awesome or do none of my professor care enough to give me more criticism?

  10. if I get a GPA lower than 3.5 I lose my funding- I don't know hat my grades are so far, but I haven't been doing great in discussions/presentations.

    1. eco_env


      oops. hat=what.

    2. newms


      Just keep doing your best. It seems to me that they grade easier in grad school than in undergrad, at least that's been my experience, so hopefully you shouldn't have any problem getting the 3.5

    3. cokohlik


      I'm sure you're doing great! Academics are always overly critical of themselves (at least I am) ;):) Chin up.

  11. no idea how to find an apartment from 3000 miles away.

  12. I also applied to UC Berkeley- ESPM. still waiting for them to get around to sending my rejection. I was considering applying to U of WA- Forest resources- is that where you applied? I was told that they don't usually accept people without an MS to the PhD program.

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