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Two Espressos

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Everything posted by Two Espressos

  1. Wisconsin-Madison waitlist notifications seem to be going out! Now I'm going to be checking my email/phone even more neurotically than I already do.
  2. INTJ here, for what it's worth. "L'enfer, c'est les autres."
  3. Well the Acceptance Freakout thread pretty much went to hell tonight anyways. But congrats! Here's to hoping your peep turns into an acceptance for sure!
  4. As for the general turn these threads have taken in the past few months: sorry, adcomms!
  5. Time to go for Cup O' Joe. I think you need 1000. QUICK MAKE 400 POSTS BEFORE MIDNIGHT (please don't).
  6. I've been eating a shitload of Cadbury eggs... does that count?
  7. Fiona Thunderpaws! Good to see you on the forums again. How have you been?
  8. Well I'm sure there are applicants coming from worse academic institutions, but my school's still pretty bad. Anyways, I like your posts on here, thestage: always eloquent and intelligent. I hope you get in somewhere.
  9. Thanks for your remarks. I think our situations are quite different, though. You have a top-tier education behind you; I have a shit-tier education behind me. I feel like I'm upending the natural order of academe by applying to the places I did. People from my university don't get into Ivy league or top-tier schools. I can surely count on Penn being a rejection, especially with the 600+ applications received this year, so my last hope is UNC-Chapel Hill, which is a top-tier school too...
  10. I have no confidence. Who was I kidding, applying to graduate school? I never had a chance.
  11. Yeah, this pisses me off to no end. What's worse, professors kept telling me, "You'll get in somewhere; I'm sure of it!" I quite like the sick satisfaction of telling them how dismal this season has been, though.
  12. Oh, and I love how subdued the "vicious" arguments on grad cafe are compared to the rest of the internet. Even with the passive-aggressive bitchiness, it's all good.
  13. AA or no AA, KeelyMK kicked ass this season. Universities fighting for your matriculation? Damn. If I were to declare winners this application season, you (and bluecheese, and a few others) would be it. We won't mention the losers though... *cough*I'm one of them*cough*
  14. What the fuck did I just read?! Hey bdon19! My application season thus far has been very dismal, and though your news terrifies me, I'm grateful for it. Hopefully UNC sends good news my way!
  15. Welcome to The Grad Cafe. Anyways, I hail from a university that is essentially a glorified community college, but I don't think I'd have much trouble adjusting to a more elite institution. *shrugs*
  16. Kinda related: I'm planning to attend the 2013 Sigma Tau Delta International Convention this year, which is in Portland, OR, from March 20th-23rd, and UNC-Chapel Hill's visit weekend (I think it was UNC?) overlaps with that. I won't be able to refund the money my university pays for me to go and give it to another member in my Sigma Tau Delta chapter in the case that I'm admitted to UNC and go to the visit weekend instead, but I figured that the probability of me actually being admitted is so minimal that it isn't worth worrying about.
  17. Wow, congrats! UT Austin, beyond being a great program scholastically, apparently has great camaraderie. There are several grad cafe members from last season there too.
  18. I'm out of up-votes (I'm always out of them), but thank you for imparting your wisdom!
  19. Exactly! I was 56th percentile too, and I thought, "wow, that's pretty good for an English major who hasn't studied or taken a math class in years!" Then it fell to 48th.
  20. girl who wears glasses, I meant to ask earlier why you were not optimistic about funding for wait listed students at Wisconsin-Madison. Could you elaborate?
  21. I don't think the two are related though, right? I didn't put the FAFSA on high priority because I didn't think that schools really cared about it that much: funding isn't income-based at most places.
  22. Just as an update, I still haven't heard anything from Wisconsin-Madison. I agree with girl who wears glasses that a wait list is likely. It seems like lots of people haven't heard back yet, so it may be a very long wait list... So, is filling out the FAFSA necessary? I didn't even think about doing it, but maybe I should? This question is addressed to all posters, not just It's (Not) About Me.
  23. I got a 151 with about an hour of apathetic studying, so I do feel better about myself now. Not that I think I'm awesome or anything because of that: 151 was 48th percentile this testing season. Really though, the math score basically only matters for funding considerations, usually at state schools.
  24. NYU wait list notifications have gone out... NO NO NO I thought I was over being depressed about these applications, but this news just crushed my spirits.
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