@ helsinki: I just turned 26 a month ago and have been working as a graphic/interaction designer/anything I could do design related since I graduated from college about 4 years ago (I studied relational art/experience design as an undergrad). I also used that time to develop a design portfolio that displayed a wide range of my ability, from graphic/interaction design, to photography, sketching, and personal industrial design projects with an emphasis on my thinking and design process rather than "final" product. I think my work experience is what helped me the most in addition to my portfolio though.
I wanted to apply to graduate school earlier, but I figured that I would take the time to really learn what design is, since I was from a more artistic background and still a bit confused as to what it meant to truly design something. Believe it or not, although I had always been interested in industrial design, I was dead set on studying Architecture at the graduate level until I went and worked in an Architecture firm after graduation. I quickly realized that my talent aligned better with industrial design and the principal of the firm saw that as well and really helped me along in my pursuit. From there, my journey really took off and I spent the next few years working full time in numerous design fields, volunteering at small ID firms in my area, and reading up on ID while working on my portfolio at night (all while trying to spend as much time as I could with my needy loving wife, safe to say I was VERY busy lol ). If I never took those steps though, I think I would be on a totally different path right now. That's a little on my background I guess.
So keep your head up, and yes, bitter time is much needed. Here is the perfect song to vent/be bitter to. It was my favorite to listen to after my first couple of rejections
Ceelo Green "F*** You"