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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA. THIS!!!! Thank you for the laugh. Literally cracked up when I read this.
  2. My list is very much refined. I would also recommend that you apply to some non-top tier schools. All of those schools get a lot of applications - slim odds. NOT saying you're not good enough, but maybe you would want to increase your odds slightly. Aim high by all means, but also be realistic. With that said, no school is really a "safety" school when it comes to these programs.
  3. I'm working on my SOP right now, doing one final (if the last time wasn't final) edit on my writing sample, and creating all of my folders. I want to have everything ready to go so that when applications open up in September, I'll be ready to just submit and then not have to worry about deadlines. I'm also workin a LOT of overtime right now so I will be able to sit down one weekend and just submit and have all funds available. Then I will be contacting the programs in Novemberish, so I will be fresh on the minds of people, and have a chat about the program. I have to make a list of questions to inquire about and information about myself to talk about. I'll take a day or so off work to do this. If it doesn't work this time, it wasn't meant to be. Going as hard as I can because this is my last chance.
  4. 3rd time's a charm???? I hope. This will be my final time applying for a PhD program. I don't want any regrets in the future for not trying one more time, but the gloves are off this year. First year - rejected across the board. Second year - made it to 3 waitlists out of 5 applications. This year - I AM GETTING IN. My tentative list is as follows: University of Arizona Auburn Arizona State University of Missouri – Columbia University of Texas – San Antonio The University of Tennessee – Knoxville University of Kansas Miami University of Ohio University of Southern Mississippi IUP Duquesne University
  5. I'm out too. Got my rejection from LSU on Friday. Guess academia is not where I am supposed to be.
  6. I got the same thing - my 3rd rejection from Ole Miss...I GET IT!! YOU DON'T WANT ME! Once was enough.
  7. It's official...everyone I know personally that applied has now been accepted...except me. I feel like the biggest loser on the face of the planet.
  8. I haven't heard back from LSU yet. Datatape, maybe we will both be pulled off the list?????
  9. I haven't heard anything yet. I emailed and left a vmail. No response. Hope is lost on LSU as well. I guess my final decision from LSU will be coming this week.
  10. I just called LSU to see if I can get any clarity because me email is not being responded to. Shockingly, I got transferred to vmail. I'm sure I'll be called back as the message says <insert sarcasm>. I just want to know because I have considered myself not accepted, but I need an answer for real because this ridiculous sense of hope keeps pinging me in the back of the head.
  11. Rejected. They actually sent my rejection email last week. Then sent me another one yesterday -- I guess they wanted to make sure I was clear on their decision.
  12. I have absolutely no clue of where I rank on the LSU waitlist. They haven't responded to my inquiries.
  13. Did you call? I emailed them a while ago and have not heard back on my status on the waitlist. So sorry that you didn't get in this year. I'm a walking testiment that life does go on after rejection. There is always next year. This is my 2nd time applying, and I have been through the exact same thing you have. I am getting ready to ramp up for round 3 because I'm less than optimistic about getting into LSU. Edit: I recommend in the meantime that you find a position in a field you are interested in - back up plan. My 2 cents.
  14. Waiting on LSU. My one and only hope. And I have this week off of work and no money to go entertain myself with :/ dun dun dun
  15. Got my Mississippi rejection yesterday and Purdue rejection this morning. Is there any point on holding on to the hope that LSU will pull me off the waitlist?
  16. I just realized today that I have not heard anything from Ole Miss. I guess I just assumed I was rejected because I haven't heard anything, but then I thought that last year they rejected me on March 23rd. Email sent - crossing fingers!!!
  17. Can we get some LSU declines??? Purdue??? Come on, peeps. Throw me a bone! Love ya, mean it!
  18. Full funding vs half funding - in my eyes the decision was made for you I, personally, would choose the better funding option.
  19. Again, agreed. I'm not saying don't go for publishing, but be aware of the reality of the industry. Even location may not assist. I have a friend that moved to NYC 3 years ago to go into the publishing field (he was already working at a magazine here and had good internship experience). He waited tables for 3 years and just 2 months ago got a job as a recruiter. Maybe it wasn't his fate to go into publishing, but we also know others that are in the field and they want out because of the diminishing field. I'm just offering up alternatives that may be glanced over. Regardless, I hope everyone has the best of luck getting into a program, or finds work that is satisfying. Life is all about being happy, chasing dreams, and learning lessons. Onward!
  20. Agreed. The publishing field is really a hard field to get into right now because it is dying, but that is the more traditional route. A lot of people overlook the field of corporate communications. Major corporations have teams of writers that send out the communications to the employees, and there are many different teams within the companies because, generally, they service so many different fields. My new position has afforded me the opportunity to begin being a "reader" for the corporate communications team. I utilize my knowledge of our division and help edit the communications that go out - this is just a special project I work on, it is not my main function. However, it is a foot in the door if the whole grad thing doesn't work out for me. I agree that the best thing to do is to start a back up plan because as much as we all want to go, it might not be in the cards for us to go to grad programs. No need wasting 1, 2, 3 years waiting tables to then try to get into a field. I understand you gotta do what you gotta do to make some money, but don't sell yourself short.
  21. You can get plenty of jobs with an English degree. I would try to get in somewhere that has benefits so that you have health insurance. We all know that working as a research assistant doesn't really happen in the English field, unless your in a grad program. My suggestion is get in at a company that you may have room for growth (just in case it really has to become your reality). That is what I did. I'm still waiting for my waitlist decisions. This is my 2nd time applying, but I am making a decent living, have benefits, and have started to work my way up in the company. If this year doesn't happen, I will try again. In the meantime I know I will be able to survive.
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