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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. Telemarketers and bill collectors typically don't leave messages -- or so I'm told . I'm going out on a limb and thinking DGS will leave you a message. Let's just pretend like it is 1992 and we are screening calls because we don't know what caller ID is yet. I take my "if it is important they will leave a message" mentality.
  2. congrats on your acceptance, effess. I'm jealous that your first decision is an acceptance, but I'm happy for you. Takes the pressure off big time because you know you are getting in somewhere. Continuing to pray to the academic gods.
  3. Mix with alcohol!!!! Just don't operate heavy machinery.
  4. Ah well I can't numb my devastation with alcohol...sicky sick...perfect time. Bleh.
  5. I was working on my thesis this time last year. Even though it is completely nerve-wracking writing the thesis while anxiously awaiting responses, it is a very good way to keep your mind off things for a while. I honestly don't know how I did it. Good luck to everyone that is working on theirs right now. You DO deserve a medal!
  6. Mary Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft -- Shelley blows mama out of the water, but Wollstonecraft totally set the stage.
  7. I wish the schools would post this stuff up. It would make us all feel better.
  8. The people on the board last year, including myself, that did not get an interview call did not get in. I didn't hear of anyone getting in without the interview, but the board is only a small portion of applicants.
  9. Today was a pretty good day...I got a promotion at work! woot. I'll take the extra cash thank you - to hoard up for my move this summer
  10. I worked 12 hours today. Overtime kills my ability to stress about anything. Too tired.
  11. Oh.God. It really begins.
  12. LOL I was reading the first post like what in the world? Then I realized it was from a couple months ago. haha. slow moment.
  13. It is more merciful. Brown does this. They notify everyone on the same day. Well at least they did last year.
  14. WUSTL (Late January) Northwestern (late January last year) Emory (interview notifications) Duke (early February last year) Kansas (early February past 2 years)
  15. I recommend a bedazzled lycra unitard. It will make you stand out. Perhaps you should bring a baton and twirl fire.
  16. I spiraled into almost panic attack today. I forced myself to get up, dressed, do make-up, and hair, and go shopping. I wound up not buying anything for myself other than a pair of gloves, but I got really cute gifts for my coworkers baby shower. Then I did some routine grocery shopping. After about an hour of being out of the house, I was able to cool down to level headed. Retail therapy worked for me, shockingly. I'm not that big of a shopper. I guess it was just the getting out of the house and changing environment thing.
  17. My anxiety is running on warp speed today. I think I might already be licking grapes off the wall
  19. There is just so much to stress over
  20. LOL. I'm looking forward to being something other than EMPLOYED! I have confirmation from all but one school that all of material has been received. I am NOT running any risks like I did last year. The last program indicates that everything BUT the GRE scores are there. Which ETS sent out on Dec. 14th. With more research it turns out that there was a problem with the entire batch that was sent to the school on the 14th and the graduate school is trying to figure it out. Ummmm, I hope you do because I really don't feel like paying more money to send the scores that were already sent to you. I also was waiting to hear back from the grad secretary at said school and didn't, so I emailed the graduate director and got a response from the secretary the next day. I'm hoping that didn't put me in a bad spot because I did apologize for emailing him in regards to materials received, but that I had emailed the secretary over a week ago and had not heard back and I was concerned about my scores showing up because of my last name. I kinda threw her under the bus for not responding to me, but I'm sorry this is super important to me that I get confirmation that all of my material has been received so that I can actually be reviewed. I spent way too much time and money on this for a clerical error to mess me up from even having a shot!
  21. I wish my programs had interviews. I also feel that I could much better explain myself, interests, research, abilities, enthusiasm, etc. etc. etc., face to face rather than trying to put it on paper all fancy-like. From my understanding of last year's posts, a lot of the interviews were via skype. All for only having to really get dressed from the waist up!
  22. To reiterate what has been previously said, the "safety" schools might have a 15-20% acceptance rate. Far from safety. Any Ph.D. program is going to be at a good school with good research facilities and professors. I also believe that the reason these schools have a "higher" acceptance rate is simply that they have less applicants. Maybe 150 instead of 500. Still, that is a LOT of people applying for a very small amount of spots. I don't believe that any program is a safety school. I feel like we are all a part of Willy Wonka's master plan. We are SEARCHING for the golden ticket, and when we get it we are going to be licking grapes off the wall!!!
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