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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. I had one problem with the Vanderbilt app and that was that my GRE scores weren't showing up. I got a direct contact phone number for where ETS sends the scores and it turns out it wasn't assigned to my account because I have a two word last name with a space in it (as how it was put on the application), but ETS doesn't allow for spacing on their information so it went down as one word. I was able to get it fixed over the phone that day, but this turned out to be a problem for a few other schools. I called all schools applied to and some had it received, while others had to go retrieve the info. And one program asked for the info after the deadline - Vandy will let you know if you need to send more info. There might not be an app fee, but there is a reason they can afford to not make you pay - they want top notch people there and their reputation speaks for itself. They will review you.
  2. I think it also depends on what you have done with your MA. Most of the schools I applied to preferred candidates to have an MA, indicating that if you only had a BA then you need not apply straight to the Ph.D. and just apply into the MA program. Although there were some schools that did not indicate this information. I also see my MA as an advantage. I have a MUCH higher GPA in my graduate program, I was published, and attended several conferences. These are all things that were pushed for out of my MA program - none of the above was even mentioned to me in the BA program. I think the MA made my personal situation more desirable than if I would have applied with just a BA - but this is only personal input...clearly, I cannot speak for all schools or all applicant's backgrounds. And I'm sure there are some people out there with just a BA that could knock my socks off.
  3. I'm not sure if interviewing via skype would necessarily make you look "bad" compared to people that go to campus. However, considering the fact that Duke accepts 8 students a year into their English Ph.D., you may want to consider contacting the graduate department to inquire if it will negatively impact you if you do your interview via skype. The option for video conference is obviously offered for a reason. I would imagine they would understand if you were not able to attend in person due to the fact that you live overseas. CONGRATS on getting an interview - that is HUGE!!!!
  4. I am type A like yourself, and have been thinking ahead about this move as well. Regardless of where I end up, it will be another state -- closest location 6 hours away driving. As far as moving goes, I'm hiring movers to load my stuff into my dad's tow behind trailer (usually used to move his motorcycles around) and other movers to unload at the final destination. This works out for me to save moving expenses, but I realize it's not realistic for everyone. I also started saving money about six months ago when I was finally able to get back into full-time employment. I have a good little nest egg saved up, about $2500 now -- but will be putting my entire tax refund and student refund check into that account when they both come next week. Combination is about $5200. I would like to have as close to $10k saved as possible, but this is not just planning for the immediate move before stipends kick in -- I'm looking at those next couple of summers as well where there will not be any money coming my way unless I am able to pick up an alternative job for the summer.
  5. I will be 28 when I start this fall. Took 2.5 years off between BA and MA to give the corporate world a whirl...that didn't work out so well. As long as I get in this year, there will be no breaks between MA and Ph.D. programs.
  6. Atleast you only have to get fancy from the waist up!! Sweat pants with business professional up top!!! It is kinda like the mullet of interviewing. Good luck on your interview.
  7. Congrats to everyone that received interview invites. I applied to Emory and have not heard a peep -- guess I can count that as a good indication of a rejection letter/email headed my way. That's okay - I hear the traffic in Atlanta is terrible anyways lol. Let us know how they go.
  8. I finished my application so long ago (early November) that it seems like I have been waiting forever!! Fortunately, I've been so busy since then with the holidays, gall bladder removal surgery, writing thesis, and working full-time that I haven't had much time to dwell on the decision letters...until yesterday when I had a HUGE freakout. The "what if I don't get into any program and I am stuck working in corporate America for the rest of my life" freakout - yea that was fun. Good to know that it will only be a few more weeks -- hopefully sooner!
  9. We're applying to 3 of the same programs and have the same field of interest! -- GOOD LUCK!!
  10. That makes sense because I received an email from them only last week indicating that my app wasn't complete due to missing GRE scores -- all was fixed though. I had this problem with other schools bc my last name is 2 words and ETS does not allow spaces, so it does not match my application information. Luckily, I had all evidence it was sent in back in October -- whew.
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