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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. Then it is settled. We should all leave our phones on at work tomorrow because we will be getting a very important phone call. Sorry employer, my future is calling
  2. Finally got over that. Dayquil and mucinex for 5 days shld do the trick.
  3. Hello, Universe? It's me, Lauren. I am speaking an acceptance letter into existence - TODAY! I appreciate your cooperation. Thanks.
  4. I've even cut the booze out of my life trying to get this thing done! Maybe I need to bring wine time back.
  5. Sorry to break up the brew talk....I just need to let out a scream. THEEEEEEEESISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, that felt good. I just have no idea how I am going to have this thing completed by April 5th!!!!!!! Ugh. I will have 4 chapters completed (1st drafts, I'm yet to go back and edit what my adv has commented on) with one textual analysis chapter left and the conclusion after I'm done with the chapter I'm working on now. After about a 30 minute cry-fest earlier tonight, I somehow managed to crank out 8 pages. The good news: I'm only 5 pages away from the minimum page requirement - so at least I don't have to worry about it not being long enough. It is just soooooooo frustrating. Having surgery the semester you write your thesis will mess you up! I feel like I got jipped 2.5 weeks due to a medication induced fog. I'm getting it together - but I still just feel like I might snap at someone really soon - if I haven't already done so and just didn't realize it. I have decided that until I have this bad boy done the phone is OFF while I'm at home. No surfing the internet except for when I've done enough work to constitute a 5-10 minute break. Jesus, take the wheel!!! /rant thanks for listening
  6. Congrats. I grew up in the area. Give a holler if you do go and want to know good living areas.
  7. Yea...I thought when I took a job at a bank I would get the minor holidays off. Wrong! I've worked all the holidays, I feel jipped!!
  8. Congrats to both of you!
  9. I did not apply to mecca, but Congrats to those accepted. I'm jealous of everyone that even had the guts to apply!!
  10. Rejected...it was my shot in hell school. However, somewhat refreshing to get an actual answer.
  11. Here are my thoughts: 01. Contact the department and see what can be done, as well as the registrar's office. Let them know you have been emailing with little success and you are anticipating applying for graduate school and need the grade fixed. If the professor is on a leave, someone else should be able to help in some way. You will need to contact the school. I totally get the working 9-5 and not being able to do a lot during the day. Most offices open at 8 though, so see if you can get up a little early. If necessary, take a day off of work to go to the school to get things under control. I wouldn't recommend taking time off until you actually pinpoint what needs to be done - to see if that is even a necessary step. 02. Sometimes professor's read emails when on a leave. You could always ask her about that. However, she might be back from her leave in the fall. Find out how long she will be on leave to find out if it is even necessary to reach out to someone else. Keep in mind though, since she is slow to respond, to give her ample time. Open up all your apps right when the schools allow access and go ahead and send her the email alert for the recommendation, pending she agrees to write the LOR. 03. Many people go into the workforce after undergrad and then realize they want to go back to MA or PhD programs. I took 2.5 years off, worked in corporate America, and realized - NO MA'AM, NOT FOR ME! I found that about half of the people in my MA program have the same story. I do not think this will negatively impact your applications. A lot ask for work history - so it will show you haven't just been being lazy since graduation. You could also find a way to incorporate this into your SOP - but definitely do not spend too much time on it in the SOP - you will want to focus more on what you want to do as far as research goals. 04. I would probably recommend doing the MA track first. Or applying to a MA to PhD program. Most PhD programs want a 3.5 GPA or higher. It is possible to get in with lower GPA's of course, but you want to give yourself the best advantage. With only having a BA, it would probably be smart to enter to a MA program to gain the additional research experience as well as an opportunity to boost your GPA in the meantime. This is only my opinion, but I had a 3.1 coming out of my BA program and didn't feel as though I would have been a strong candidate with that GPA for a PhD program. I now have a 3.9 - and according to other posts on this board from responses people have gotten, your undergrad GPA will still be looked at, but I'm hoping the MA will help. Maybe you would want to consider a few PhD programs and MA programs. You can always contact schools to get a better perspective of what the idividual program wants. Some PhD programs indicate that if you do not have a MA then you will need to apply to MA first, others don't care and will accept BA into PhD program. It is very variable. Keep in mind there will always be applicants with BA's and MA's that have high GPA's in both. GPA is of course only a portion of the application - possible that as long as you meet the minimum criteria you will move to the next phase of review process. So that's my input. Right, wrong...not sure. Just the advise that I can give based off of my experience, advice from professors, and advice from peers (on this board and in other MA programs). It's a lot to consider, but you will figure it out
  12. Very cool to be crossing borders!
  13. The Florida app was pretty traumatic. I got so upset with the website! It wasn't the actual app so much as actually being able to move around the website. First order of business once I am accepted, speak with IT about making the website more user friendly!!
  14. Step away from the phone. Please take a sip of wine or something to calm yourself down. You had to indicate on your application for Florida if you were going to be MA or PhD track - you put it on there - you will be fine. Everything is in - they would have notified you otherwise. You didn't receive an email because no one did - unless they had already directly contacted the department in regards to something. Breathe in, breathe out. You're going to make it through the waiting game
  15. I wouldn't say school B already got back to me and you haven't...that will probably give off the wrong impression. Asking when funding packages would be offered is fine. Unless program A gave you a specific date or timeframe, asking is not a 'bad' idea. Keep in mind that those offers do have an expiration date, but the dates are probably a little ways off.
  16. Pardon my extreme slowness, where is this results board that your speak of?
  17. Def prep for interview. They're interested!! What school? Good luck!
  18. If there was just one magical date that all schools adhered to in advising of results. Admits, waitlists, and rejection all coming in one swoop. We could all schedule the next day off of work because either way we're drinking! And all this haunting the internet and graduate secretaries wouldn't be necessary. Ahhh in a perfect world... Clearly, I haven't heard a result at all yet. I'm trying to piece together word choices and encoded phrases to see what people really mean.'hang in there' - translation: either I'm in or you're trying to soften the blow. Leave it to English majors to over analyze every detail of every word choices in every medium...we will get to the bottom of it!! /rant
  19. Some schools will accept you to the MA program without the English background, but most Phd programs are going to require a background in the field first. You may want to consider going the MA route so you can get that background. You can always directly contact schools that you are interested in to gain a more specific perspective. My one concern is that if you are planning on applying directly to phd programs, most deadlines have already passed for fall 2011. I know some schools accept MA applications longer, but not necessarily. Definitely look into when those deadlines are for the schools you are interested in.
  20. My area chair emailed me today for the PCA/ACA and I'll be presenting on the first day, Wednesday, April 20th. She said the entire schedule was available to view on the website, but it isn't showing up yet. Guess it will be posted shortly.
  21. Didn't apply there, but Congrats!
  22. Pure speculation based off the news report I just saw 2 minutes ago that they will be cutting slot numbers...the board voted yesterday to increase tuition. Both undergrad and grad. Grad instate tuition is going up $658 and out of state up $739. To help their budget crisis. I can't imagine this will increase spots for phd w funding this year. Again, just speculation. I didn't apply there bc I decided it was time to spread my wings and leave nc.
  23. Most of my schools had fairly late deadlines, so I really just don't know when I will be getting decisions. I had been very positive and not really thinking about the waiting game that much until about a week ago, which is when I started coming home from work, checking this board, checking the websites, and repeat until I was ready to pass out. Luckily, I was able to harness some of my crazy and make a big dent in the thesis. I'm still checking the information, but luckily the feelings of anxiety have subsided to a minimum for the time being. I'm sure this will all change again on Saturday when I have the whole day to sit around and check things as if there will be adcoms working on the weekends lol. But who knows, acceptances went out last Saturday for some schools. All I can say is....Jesus, take the wheel!
  24. Bahahaha...love this thread!
  25. I'm at work so I don't know exact number, but it was main one to English. Option 222. The woman that answered was nice and transferred me to someone else. The 2nd person is who had the file and looked at it.
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