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Everything posted by lolopixie

  1. Yet another reason for me to splurge when I have the money! Because these are going to be my things for the next 50 years!
  2. I was called to the PNW when I read the Twilight series. I need to meet Edward Cullen!!! JK. Congrats on your admit.
  3. I just spent 5 hours helping my boyfriend grade papers and quizzes for his classes he teaches. All I could keep thinking is, THESE SHOULD BE MY CLASSES!!!!!! I should be in a PhD program now. I shouldn't have been rejected last year, and I should NOT be waiting now. I didn't realize that it would be depressing when I said, "no problem, I'll help you get caught up on your grading." Mistake.
  4. Yea, grad center is fab. Good for you, Trip!
  5. Thanks for the encouragement. I know I still have 4 schools to report. I'm feeling really good about Miami. Keep the good vibes coming!
  6. I'm glad I got a raise at work...and a nice bonus on this last check because I have been doing some serious retail therapy. I haven't been this way in a really long time, but my fab new guess purse and flats are making me so happy right now. Even though I got them on the cheap at Burlington Coat Factory
  7. Ekant, I completely feel you. I have been shying away from gradcafe for about 2 weeks due to not being able to handle watching the acceptances go out. Gradcafe is such a wonderful place when you're completing your apps, but when it comes down to the waiting for response portion, it is a killer. Keep the faith as strong as you can, I continually pray to the universe that I will have my moment this year. It has been hard as hell for me. My best friend who was rejected across the board last year got accepted by the first school that reported to him, which I was rejected from, and now I don't have anyone in my corner. While I am happy for him, it depressed me even more than seeing the rejection itself. Do what you have to do to keep your sanity.
  8. I take two weeks off of gradcafe in order to preserve my sanity and miss out on so much.
  9. It isn't going to hurt you to not have any conferences on your CV. Venti got in to his top choice program, and I know for certain he hasn't presented at any conferences and he was applying with MA in hand to PhD program. I have 2 national and 1 regional conference presentation under my belt, but I went for the experience. I got travel grants for each conference that covered the majority of the expense. I also utilized conferences as a vacation/networking opportunity. You do see some of the same faces at conferences, and it is a great way to meet people, as well as get to go somewhere you probably wouldn't have gone otherwise. With that being said, I would not fork out $1k for a conference, unless I had the money to do so...which I don't. If you have the money, do it. If you don't, don't put yourself into debt for it. Conferences will not make or break your application.
  10. The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love -- ugh. It is actually good for about the first 250 pages...It goes on for about another 300 pages with absolutely no point.
  11. I'm hoping tomorrow is the day that I find out that "I'm going to Miami. Bienvenido a Miami!" Will Smith wrote that song for me!
  12. I'm suffering from post traumatic jealousy depression....
  13. OMG my bestie got in!!!!!! I love you and hate you at the same time.
  14. You're not crazy for crying over boots. You work really hard and don't get to treat yourself. I get it. Even working full-time, I don't have enough to splurge. And it is completely natural to feel that jealousy over people whose parents pay for everything. My parents haven't paid for my living, food, clothing, blahblahblah, since I was 18. It is really hard when you see people getting things (even if they are material) that you want and feel that you deserve because you have worked hard and deserve them too. Try to treat yourself every once and a while. Even if it is something as simple as a pedicure, you gotta make yourself feel good every once and a while.
  15. Thanks for the well wishes. I'm happy for everyone who has gotten in somewhere. I know it has to be extremely relieving and exciting and awesome and life changing. I'm really hoping I can join you guys in the festivities of awesomeness. I do have schools that seem to decision later. None of these applications were due in December, so I haven't been waiting as long since submission. Hope is still alive, but it just sucks when all these schools are reporting and all I can do is think about the possibility of across the board rejections, again.
  16. I want to blow my brains out.
  17. I recommend getting a job in a field you are interested in. You need experience. Start working your way up. You'll thank yourself down the road.
  18. Durham has the highest murder rate in NC -- if that makes any of the non-accepted feel better. Not sure if that helps the accepted. I would stand to say that I would whisk that fun fact right out the window had I applied and been accepted.
  19. No, you're not. There's a couple of people that haven't heard anything from any school yet. Just depends on where you applied. 4/5 of my schools have not reported yet.
  20. I rarely drink. If I do though, I drink wine. Grad school slowly but surely stopped my drinking. When I started I drank wine regularly....now I drink maybe once every 3-4 months...and that is just a glass or two because I have absolutely no tolerance now. Coffee, on the otherhand, I cannot live without.
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