Thanks! I think it's pretty cool, but I hope the departments I applied to think so as well! There is so much I want to work on that has had very little or no scholarly attention. I just hope I'm able to get in so I can actually do the research (in earnest).
That's another concern of mine--that it's too specific. Last year, when I applied to programs, I only applied to 4, and didn't get in. When I asked a couple of the schools for feedback as to why, they told me my work was far too specific. So I started out trying to be more general this year, because I got the same feedback when asking an admin person at Chicago about the whole specificity issue, and applied to 3 English programs (Hawaii, Chicago, and Michigan) with a (hopefully) more vague research idea.
However, talking to Comp Lit departments, it seems like they are ok (and some encourage) more specificity, so for the Comp Lit programs I applied to (Cornell, WashU, Notre Dame, UPenn, and Emory), I was more specific about the time period and what genre of texts I was hoping to look at.